23-18    Private Buildings with Consent to Commence Work by Type of Building
  Residential Residential/Commercial Commercial Industrial Others Total
Year Number Usable Floor Number Usable Floor Area (10 000 sq.m.) Number Usable Floor Number Usable Floor Number Usable Floor Area (10 000 sq.m.) Number Usable Floor Area (10 000 sq.m.)
  of Area of     of Area of Area of     of    
  Blocks (10 000 sq.m.) Blocks Residential Non-residential Blocks (10 000 sq.m.) Blocks (10 000 sq.m.) Blocks Residential Non-residential Blocks Residential Non-residential
1997 712 110.7 148 50.2 9.9 72 50.0 41 46.2 189 2.3 25.9 1162 163.1 132.0
1998 869 93.7 107 47.1 7.0 37 32.6 35 6.9 180 6.4 20.1 1228 147.2 66.7
1999 244 77.7 98 88.1 9.1 16 19.6 18 8.5 113 3.4 12.6 489 169.3 49.8
2000 468 69.9 57 40.2 9.9 32 23.9 20 12.9 131 4.3 24.0 708 114.3 70.7
2001 212 41.0 74 58.4 9.6 12 16.9 14 4.6 92 0.8 7.5 404 100.3 38.6