(HKD 100 million)
GDP Components 1997 1998 1999 2000@ 2001@
  At Current Market Prices                                                      
          Private Consumption Expenditure    8067.90 7723.47 7408.19 7444.01 7455.37
          Government Consumption Expenditure 1127.41 1165.39 1199.84 1201.48 1288.44
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 4518.91 3887.31 3253.28 3473.75 3418.47
          Changes in Inventories                 123.13 -156.51 -106.12 143.99 -24.66
          Exports of Goods(f.o.b.)               14559.49 13476.49 13490.00 15726.89 14809.87
           Less: Imports of Goods(f.o.b.)          15898.76 14083.17 13735.00 16367.11 15492.22
          Exports of Services                    2911.00 2721.12 2791.67 3175.80 3230.87
           Less: Imports of Services               1963.62 1935.60 1840.52 1915.43 1896.19
      GDP 13445.46 12798.50 12461.34 12883.38 12789.95
      Per Capita GDP                   (HKD)          
  207194 195585 188622 193299 190188
  Volume Indices (2000=100)                             
          Private Consumption Expenditure      100.00 93.30 94.50 100.00 101.40
          Government Consumption Expenditure 94.40 95.10 98.00 100.00 106.00
          Gross Domestic Fixed Capital Formation 116.60 108.10 90.10 100.00 102.90
          Changes in Inventories                 84.00 -118.60 -84.50 100.00 -22.10
          Exports of Goods(f.o.b.)               86.10 82.40 85.40 100.00 96.70
          Imports of Goods(f.o.b.)          91.20 84.60 84.60 100.00 98.10
          Exports of Services                    84.10 83.20 88.60 100.00 105.90
          Imports of Services               98.50 100.00 95.90 100.00 99.80
      GDP 92.40 87.80 90.80 100.00 100.60
      Per Capita GDP          
  94.9 89.4 91.6 100 99.7
Notes: Figures presented in this table may be different from those presented in earlier editions of this Yearbook. For details, please see Note II
           in the "Brief Introduction" of this chapter.
           The Chinese term used in the publications of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is “按开支组成部分划分的本地生产总值”.
           @Figures are subject to revision later on as more data become available.