23-1   Summary of Key Statistics
Item 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
  Population and Vital Events                                                 
      Mid-year Population (10 000 persons) 648.9 654.4 660.7 666.5 672.5
      Crude Birth Rate                (‰) 9.1 8.1 7.8 8.1 7.2
      Crude Death Rate                (‰) 4.9 5.0 5.0 5.1 5.0
      Labour Force        (10 000 persons) 323.5 327.6 332.0 337.4 342.7
      Labour Force Participation Rate  (%) 61.3 61.3 61.3 61.4 61.4
      Unemployment Rate                (%) 2.2 4.7 6.2 4.9 5.1
      Underemployment Rate             (%) 1.1 2.5 2.9 2.8 2.5
      Number of Employed Persons in Selected                        
         Industries               (person)          
          (i) Manufacturing                  443000 379600 353900 333700 326400
          (ii) Construction 303100 306600 286800 301700 291400
          (iii) Wholesale, Retail and Import/Export
                  Trades, Restaurants and Hotels 960800 953500 935100 981700 981100
          (iv) Transport, Storage and         343400 349200 339400 356600 353400
          (v)  Financing, Insurance, Real    
                  Estate and Business Services   405100 410300 437700 452700 478100
          (vi) Community, Social and Personal 678200 695600 732900 754700 798900
      Real Wage Index                     
                 (September 1992=100) 104.5 104.4 109.0 112.8 114.6
  External Trade                        
      Imports                (HKD 100 million) 16150.9 14290.9 13927.2 16579.6 15681.9
      Domestic Exports       (HKD 100 million) 2114.1 1884.5 1706.0 1809.7 1535.2
      Re-exports             (HKD 100 million) 12445.4 11592.0 11784.0 13917.2 13274.7
      Terms of Trade Index(2000=100)(13) 100.5 101.7 101.0 100.0 100.9
  Industrial Production                                         
      Index of Industrial Production(1986=100) 120.6 110.1 103.1 102.5 98.0
      Industrial Electricity Consumption   18965 18489 17547 17769 16759
      Industrial Gas Consumption (terajoules)          911 888 914 982 1011
  Distributive Trades, Transport Services                        
    and Other Services                                           
      Value Added            (HKD 100 million)                        
          Wholesale                          158 131 138 125  
          Retail                             384 264 271 288  
          Import/Export                      2328 2065 1986 2254  
          Transport and Related Services     716 738 803 880  
          Storage, Communications, Financing           
            (Except Banking) and Business Services       1008 846 863 995  
  Land, Building and Construction                               
     Gross Value of  Construction Work in 1315 1333 1264 1221 1140
        Nominal Terms            (HKD 100 million)
      Private Residential Flats with                              
        Consent to Commence Work    (number) 40962 33843 44323 31366 27274
      Consideration of Documents Received                         
        for Registration in the Land Registry                
                      (HKD 100 million)               
           Agreements for Sale and Purchase of 9378 3646 2870 2430 2095
               Building Units and Land                              
           Assignments of Building Units     7904 3484 3001 2730 2435
           Assignments of Land                938 243 357 199 230
      Housing Authority Rental Flats  Newly    
        Completed                (number) 17917 9759 31806 47552 33629
      Home Ownership Scheme Residential Flats
        Newly Completed①②       (number) 12040 3320 13778 23542 5080
  Transport, Communications and Tourism                         
      Inward/Outward Movement of Goods     8543130 8543123 8874750 9379793 9128786
         Vehicle            (vehicle)                        
      Inward and Outward Movements of Cargo                        
          Total Discharged (10 000 tons) 12722 12641 12794 13035 13249
          Total Loaded    (10 000 tons) 8091 7900 8175 8692 8605
      Container Throughput   1457 1458 1621 1810 1783
         (10 000 TEUs) (1439)        
      Motor Vehicles Licensed     (vehicle) 500228 500673 503974 516782 525376
      Telephone Lines                (10 000 lines) 362 371 384 395 393
      Visitor Arrivals            (10 000 person-times) 1127.3 1016.0 1132.8 1305.9 1372.5
      Hotel Room Occupancy Rate        (%) 76 76 79 83 79
  Public Accounts, Money and Finance                             
     (HKD 100 million)                        
      Government's Reserve Balances 4575 4343 4443 4303 3725
      Total Government Revenue           2812 2161 2330 2251 1756
      Total Government Expenditure        
         and Equity Investments            1944 2394 2230 2329 2389
      Money Supply definition 3 (M3)@                           
           Hong Kong Dollar                    16704 18262 19230 19990 20129
           Foreign Currency               11552 12961 14388 16485 15321
           Total                              28256 31223 33618 36475 35450
      Loans and Advances for Use in Hong Kong@   20373 19604 18198 18615 17901
      Effective Exchange Rate Indices for  98.0 103.4 100.9 101.7 104.7
      Hong Kong Dollar                               
         (trade-weighted)(January 2000=100)                        
  Consumer Price Indices                                        
     (Oct. 1999-Sept.2000 =100)                          
      Composite Consumer Price  index           104.5 107.5 103.2 99.4 97.8
      Consumer Price Index(A)              103.2 105.9 102.5 99.5 97.8
      Consumer Price Index(B)              105.5 108.5 103.4 99.4 97.7
      Consumer Price Index(C) 104.6 107.9 103.9 99.3 97.8
      Student  Enrolment in Primary Day School 461911 476802 491851 493979 493075
      Student  Enrolment in Secondary Day School    458118 455872 453465 456693 456455
      Student  Enrolment in UGC-funded Institutions 86202 84538 83754 81472 82984
 Medical and Health                                            
      Registered Deaths            (person) 32079 32680 33387 33993 33305
      Deaths from Heart Diseases   (person) 4806 5060 5220 5537 5425^
      Deaths from Malignant Neoplasms     (person) 10373 10691 10977 11222 10995^
      Infant Mortality Rate              
        (per 1 000 Registered Live Births) 4.0 3.2 3.2 2.9 2.7^
  Social Welfare                                                
      Comprehensive Social Security Assistance                               
           Number of Cases         (case) 195645 232819 228015 228263 247192
           Amount             (HKD 100 million) 94.41 130.29 136.23 135.60+ 144.05‡
      Social Security Allowances                                
          Number of Cases        (case) 517865 526742 535452 550585 561208
          Amount             (HKD 100 million) 44.20 47.37 48.83 51.30+ 52.41‡
      Traffic Accident Victims Assistance                        
          Number of Cases Authorized for  5655 5809 5797 5998 6733
             Payment (case)            
          Amount               (HKD 10 000) 13740 16480 13350 13000 14200
  Law and Order                                                 
      Overall Reported Crime           (case) 67367 71962 76771 77245 73008
      Total Violent Crime              (case) 13749 14682 15705 14812 13551
      Total Offenders Arrested         (person) 41714 40422 40745 40930 38829
  Gross Domestic Product (GDP)                               
       At Constant (2000) Market Prices                            
             Annual Growth Rate           (%) 5.1 -5.0 3.4 10.2@ 0.6@
           GDP            (HKD 100 million) 11900 11308 11695 12883@ 12965@
           Per Capita GDP          (HKD)                        
  183374 172813 177019 193299@ 192793@
      At Current Market Prices                                    
          Annual Growth Rate                     (%) 11.0 -4.8 -2.6 3.4@ -0.7@
          GDP            (HKD 100 million) 13445 12799 12461 12883@ 12790@
          Per Capita GDP           (HKD)                               
  207194 195585 188622 193299@ 190188@
  Gross National Product (GNP)                        
      GNP at Current Market Prices                          
        (HKD 100 million) 13550.21 13086.12 12809.11 13101.06@ 13151.32@
      Per Capita GNP            (HKD)                  
  208809 199980 193886 196565@ 195562@
      Total Net External Factor Income                      
        Flows                 (HKD 100 million) 104.75 287.62 347.77 217.68 361.37@
  Balance Of Payments Account(16)
      Current Account(11) (HKD 100 million) - 342.83 934.47 709.60@ 915.25@
      Capital and Financial Account(11) (HKD 100 million) - -315.14 -833.74 -578.63@ -857.17@
      Net errors and omissions(12) (HKD 100 million) - -27.70 -100.74 -130.97@ -58.08@
      Overall Balance Of Payments (HKD 100 million) - -525.81 778.67 783.21@ 365.30@
  (赤字) (盈余) (盈余) (盈余)
  (in deficit)        (in surplus)        (in surplus)        (in surplus)
  International Investment Position(14)
      Net International Investment
        Position(15) (HKD 100 million) - - - 17295.47@ 21231.29@
      External Financial Assets (HKD 100 million) - - - 88992.95@ 84877.70@
      External Financial Liabilities (HKD 100 million) - - - 71697.49@ 63646.41@
Notes:   Figures are for the corresponding financial year. For example, figures for 1996 would represent the figures for financial year 1996/97.
             Excluding Private Sector  Participation Scheme .
             Starting from 1998, a new series of container though put statistics has been compiled. To facilitate comparison, figure for 1997 under the
                 new series are presented in brackets.
             Figures include arrival of non-Macao residents via Macao.
             Figures are adjusted to include foreign currency swap deposits.
             Figures are adjusted to exclude foreign currency swap deposits. Hong Kong dollar is the legal tender in the Hong Kong Special Admini-
                 strative  Region, as stated in "The Basic Law of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China".Foreign
                 currency refers to any currency other than the Hong Kong currency. Accordingly Chinese Renminbi is also treated as foreign currency.
             New series released since 2 January 2002.  For details, please see the feature article entitled “New Series of Effective Exchange Rate Index
                 for the Hong Kong Dollar” in the December 2001 issue of the "Hong Kong Monthly Digest of Statistics".
             Figures are as at end of the financial year.
             The Chinese term used in the publications of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is “本地生产总值”.
             The Chinese term used in the publications of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region is “本地居民生产总值”. In line with
                 the latest major revision of GDP data series, GNP figures have been revised accordingly.
             (11) A positive value for the balance figure in the current account represents a surplus whereas a negative value represents a deficit. For the
                   capital and financial account, a positive value indicates  a net capital and financial inflow and a negative value indicates a net outflow. As
                   increases in external assets are debit entries and decreases  are credit entries, a negative value for net change in reserve assets represents
                   a net increase and a positive value  represents a net decrease.
             (12) In principle, the net sum of credit entries and debit entries is zero. In practice, discrepancies between the credit and debit entries may 
                   however occur for various reasons as the data are collected from many sources. Equality between the sum of credit entries and debit entries 
                   is  brought about by the inclusion of a balancing item which reflects net errors and omissions.
             (13) The trade index numbers have been updated.  The new series has year 2000 as the base year.  In the new series, indexes for periods prior to
                    2000 are obtained by re-scaling the previously published series, which has 1990 as the base year, using a conversion factor derived from the
                    levels of the old and new series in the overlapping period of 2000.
             (14) Position as at end of period.
             (15) Net international investment position is the difference between total external financial assets and total external financial liabilities.
             (16) In line with the latest major revision of GDP data series, relevant BoP figures for 1998 to 2001 have been revised.
              ^  Provisional figure.
              @ Subject to revision later on.
              +Includes the payments for 1 April 2001.            
              ‡Includes the payment for 1 April 2002, but excludes the payments for 1 April 2001.