22-45    Production, Treatment and Utilization of Industrial Solid Wastes        
by Branch of Industry  (2001)        
  Number of Volume of   Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of   Output Value of
  Industrial Industrial Dangerous Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial Dangerous Products Made from
 Branch Enterprises Solid Wastes Wastes Solid Wastes Wastes Solid Wastes Solid Wastes Comprehensive
  (unit) Produced   Utilized Accumulated Treated Wastes   Utilization of Waste
    (10 000 tons)   (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) (10 000 tons) Discharged   Gas, Waste Water
              (10 000   & Solid Wastes
              tons)   (10 000 yuan)
    Coal Mining and Dressing                       2331 12728   7105 2973 2749 619   104481
    Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction           180 182 12 104 7 73 113081
    Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing             546 8041 2 789 6366 833 146 24794
    Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing          1031 13998 184 3302 7711 4819 382 18358
    Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing          540 922   474 281 167 50   18123
    Other Mining and Dressing 69 7 4 1 2 1 666
    Logging and Transport of Timber and Bamboo     59 25 23 1 1 500
    Food Processing                                3237 842 783 11 36 13 154097
    Food Manufacturing                             2302 318   297 4 14 2   35346
    Beverage Manufacturing                         2235 734 713 2 16 7 66887
    Tobacco Processing                             231 43 34 6 3 5719
    Textile Industry                               6018 513 4 478 2 28 7 44038
    Garments and Other Fiber Products              625 25   19 3 2 1   1339
    Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products       913 78 1 67 4 7 25226.2
    Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm Fiber and 561 100 95 3 2 1 5275
        Straw Products                               
    Furniture Manufacturing                        175 15 12 2 1331
    Papermaking and Paper Products                 4391 906 5 723 51 68 65 137613
    Printing and Record Medium Reproduction        548 29   27   1     2659
    Cultural, Educational and Sports Goods         213 12 12 115
    Petroleum Processing and Coking                945 1106 39 674 68 258 108 1.05 154618
    Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products   6515 5702 513 4100 1112 648 115 0.03 490934.9
    Medical and Pharmaceutical Products            1916 241 23 214 5 18 4   23054
    Chemical Fiber                                 261 355 12 300 32 24 7   170053
    Rubber Products                                607 72 68 4 1 10417
    Plastic Products                               844 33   29 2 1     7202
    Nonmetal Mineral Products                      13080 1960 15 1751 115 119 57   663198
        Concrete Machinery 4792 1071   994 90 26 16   538891
    Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals        1965 11858 47 8329 2541 923 254 454395
    Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals     1372 4477 61 1596 1815 1126 37 0.88 207934
    Metal Products                                 4501 76 4 55 3 17 2 0.05 88623
    Ordinary Machinery                             2565 191 3 145 8 37 10   53242
    Special Purpose Equipment                      1385 159 3 103 7 144 5   69242
    Transport Equipment                            1742 313 5 245 7 55 8   48957
    Electric Equipment and Machinery               1236 83 2 70 4 7 2 25807
    Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment    995 43 6 34 3 6 1 0.01 15043
    Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery 466 9   7   1     693
    Other Machinery 571 31   30   1     2504
    Production and Supply of Electric Power,       1659 14925   10561 4587 1381 90   150990
      Steam and Hot Water                                            
        Firepower Generator 1037 13140 9204 4249 1228 48 131093
    Production and Supply of Gas                   108 119   97 15 3 4   12625
    Production and Supply of Tap Water             127 193   9 181 1 2   596
    Other Branches 2312 575 10 436 151 31 7 0.01 35859