22-43    Emission and Treatment of Waste Gas by Branch of Industry (2001)        
  Number of Number of Total Volume     Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of Volume of
  Industrial Facilities of Waste Gas Volume of Volume of Sulphur Sulphur Industrial Industrial Industrial Industrial
Branch Enter- for Treat- Emission Waste Gas Waste Gas Dioxide Dioxide Soot Soot Soot Dust
  prises ment of (100 million from the from the Emission Removed Emission Removed Emission Removed
  (unit) Waste Gas cu.m) Burning Pro- Process of (ton) (ton) (ton) (ton)  (ton) (ton)
    (set)   cess of Fuels Production            
    Coal Mining and Dressing                       2331 5295 1543 1318 225 177672 40663 168805 1335075 76328 228218
    Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction           180 544 1064 1013 51 32217 80013 18544 62834 1788 629
    Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing             546 1141 757 99 658 68670 3480 37564 91082 53545 286413
    Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing          1031 876 218 126 92 31350 36183 7012 36723 9725 52048
    Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing          540 738 444 326 118 48656 16796 27548 167834 43506 118873
    Other Mining and Dressing 69 54 4 3 1 438 24 482 532 10 167
    Logging and Transport of Timber and Bamboo     59 820 59 45 14 5014 530 7536 31117 11334 5147
    Food Processing                                3237 3368 1236 1146 90 116657 35356 91469 626620 7626 25668
    Food Manufacturing                             2302 2225 565 562 3 72231 16465 48023 282005 3523 9884
    Beverage Manufacturing                         2235 2443 774 763 11 184549 41896 215060 339733 6955 2997
    Tobacco Processing                             231 868 360 223 137 19216 6850 9469 60510 1855 24118
    Textile Industry                               6018 7161 1817 1754 62 262581 60011 114907 671267 2536 7319
    Garments and Other Fiber Products              625 545 120 74 47 10518 1812 3793 37854 111 7
    Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products       913 856 166 140 26 14160 4190 8979 35568 31 27
    Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm Fiber and 561 819 436 304 132 29614 5653 35435 98462 10283 68808
        Straw Products                                         
    Furniture Manufacturing                        175 216 112 40 72 4257 164 7043 35266 2109 9926
    Papermaking and Paper Products                 4391 5524 2735 2359 376 426157 73399 277845 1759664 36664 47089
    Printing and Record Medium Reproduction        548 322 69 43 26 6191 1142 2879 16093 16 60
    Cultural, Educational and Sports Goods         213 232 146 102 44 3102 396 1513 8185 276 316
    Petroleum Processing and Coking                945 1003 4205 2229 1976 344303 324289 196201 1066386 72452 113846
    Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products   6515 12086 10366 5992 4374 786180 502993 432837 4420387 107377 522803
    Medical and Pharmaceutical Products            1916 2349 582 542 40 65301 26881 41565 326216 1535 8011
    Chemical Fiber                                 261 548 2811 964 1847 127604 41438 54084 853754 5809 15475
    Rubber Products                                607 1051 431 258 173 44791 23960 17189 151489 1315 10753
    Plastic Products                               844 677 246 74 172 13163 893 5548 22637 6170 43746
    Nonmetal Mineral Products                      13080 41164 34062 8832 25230 1573617 166219 1305429 2966418 5419538 35559035
        Concrete Machinery 4792 33559 27975 4301 23674 1005456 136908 452665 2410682 5056928 35110562
    Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals        1965 6769 25015 5926 19090 732578 150249 445136 3232116 810171 11626893
    Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals     1372 4367 9958 2214 7744 612338 2969982 237102 2194432 174296 3538344
    Metal Products                                 4501 1937 487 261 226 28527 6018 42931 74430 15232 8569
    Ordinary Machinery                             2565 3221 488 320 168 41925 7637 38573 100054 12610 16719
    Special Purpose Equipment                      1385 2173 327 230 97 26653 10699 24524 64864 9442 21221
    Transport Equipment                            1742 6288 1504 540 964 50476 16655 26481 390876 25892 82529
    Electric Equipment and Machinery               1236 2305 770 268 502 30823 7778 18817 237928 1892 70042
    Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment    995 1526 1165 150 1015 15306 6785 5069 69046 146 1678
    Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery 466 473 55 34 21 2968 1005 1951 11390 68 406
    Other Machinery 571 566 135 68 67 8106 2082 4366 14752 4083 3495
    Production and Supply of Electric Power,       1659 6866 53647 53183 464 7255415 846886 3231957 104789968 20590 139121
      Steam and Hot Water                                                
        Firepower Generator 1037 3324 47598 47159 439 6539807 716053 2897306 96329278 15477 131960
    Production and Supply of Gas                   108 556 461 186 275 26647 8608 10636 91525 24436 291318
    Production and Supply of Tap Water             127 92 16 16   2633 2003 1409 4145 2610 1829
    Other Branches 2312 3914 1892 1189 703 161382 98771 175805 308557 63923 252540