22-28    Basic Statistics on Social Welfare Enterprises
  State-owned and Collective-owned Other
  Number of Number of   Number of Number of  
Year Units Staff and Disabled Units Staff and Disabled
  (unit) Workers Persons (unit) Workers Persons
    (person)     (person)  
1985 2214 219189 83051 12554 448829 151250
1986 2551 236371 89421 17211 637747 225708
1987 2976 250329 96605 24714 875974 337944
1988 3692 282947 106095 36701 1180589 875974
1989 4595 310345 119626 36864 1192179 494182
1990 5208 325461 124630 36517 1245072 512941
1991 6329 352112 136183 37889 1342064 565139
1992 6798 373412 142473 42985 1528266 635700
1993 7232 390619 147211 49649 1672141 695046
1994 7373 382519 151523 52805 1800262 757307
1995 7734 368636 148551 52503 1845838 790671
1996 7364 355864 141831 52033 1811820 794003
1997 8024 351354 141778 47485 1747143 767980
1998 7527 322522 133389 42987 1630654 722656
1999 7819 207271 132330 36809 1594894 657955
2000 31580 1377506 605592 9090 280853 123899
2001 31445 1379008 603447 6535 218626 95203
a) The statistical coverage in 2000 have been adjusted. The state-owned and collective-owned social welfare enterprises before 2000 refer to those
    managed by the system of civil administration, and those in 2000 refer to all state-owned and collective-owned social welfare enterprises.