22-16    Arrests of Criminal Suspects and Defendants Under Public Prosecution
Approved by Procurator's Offices (2001)
  Total of Arrests Total of Public
Item     Prosecutions
  (Case) (Person) (Case) (Person)
  Total                                       559860 841845 569968 845306
  Sub-total of Requests by Departments of     542715 823167 545749 817479
    State and Public Security and Prisons     
      Offences Against State Security           305 725 318 886
      Offences Against Public Security          44129 55638 51751 61909
      Offences Against Socialist Economic Order 16656 26002 14120 23526
      Offences Against Citizens' Personal and   128434 164471 134331 169787
        Democratic Rights                       
      Offences Against Properties               270697 434322 267130 429193
      Offences Against Social Management of Order 82276 141614 77928 131872
      Offences Against National Defense         212 387 166 301
      Offences on Dereliction of Duty by Servicemen                                      6 8 5 5
  Sub-total of Cases Handled by Procuratorates 17145 18678 24219 27827
      Offences on Corruption and Bribery        15826 17123 21782 24909
      Offences on Abuse and Dereliction of Duty 1319 1555 2437 2918