22-1    Number of Deputies to All the Previous National People's Congresses
  First Second Third Fourth Fifth Sixth Seventh Eighth Ninth
Item Congress Congress Congress Congress Congress Congress Congress Congress Congress
  (1954) (1959) (1964) (1975) (1978) (1983) (1988) (1993) (1998)
  Total Number of All   1226 1226 3040 2885 3497 2978 2978 2978 2979
  Of Which                                                                        
      Female Deputies       147 150 542 653 742 632 634 626 650
      As Percentage to Total 12.0 12.2 17.8 22.6 21.2 21.2 21.3 21.0 21.8
  Of Which                                                                        
      Deputies from         178 179 372 270 381 403 445 439 428
        National Minorities                   
      As Percentage to Total 14.5 14.6 12.2 9.4 10.9 13.5 14.9 14.8 14.4