21-33    Number of Health Institutions
    Hospitals       Specialized Preven- Sanitation and Maternity and Medicines and Research Institutes Other
Year Total   At and Above Sanatoriums Clinics tion & Treatment Antiepidemic Child  Care Chemical Reagent of Medical Institutions
      County level     Centers or Stations Agencies Centers Test Labs Science  
1978 169732 64421 8841 389 94395 887 2989 2459 844 219 3129
1980 180553 65450 9478 470 102474 1138 3105 2610 1213 282 3811
1985 200866 59614 11497 640 126604 1566 3410 2724 1420 323 4565
1990 208734 62454 13489 650 129332 1781 3618 2820 1892 337 5850
1991 209036 63101 13638 642 128665 1818 3652 2854 1927 335 6042
1992 204787 61352 13917 639 125873 1845 3673 2841 1953 339 6272
1993 193586 60784 14713 600 115161 1872 3609 2791 1976 436 6357
1994 191742 67857 14762 587 105984 1905 3611 2857 1990 437 6514
1995 190057 67807 14771 582 104406 1895 3629 2832 1995 427 6484
1996 188803 67964 15056 528 103472 1887 4000 2764 2000 427 5761
1997 315033 67911 15219 506 229474 1893 4012 2748 2014 426 6049
1998 314097 67081 15277 503 229349 1889 4018 2724 2020 423 6090
1999 310996 66935 15413 503 226588 1877 4023 2630 1927 421 6092
2000 324771 66509 15446 471 240934 1839 4065 2598 1790 405 6160
2001 330348 65424 15451 461 248061 1783 4253 2548 1453 397 5968
a)"Individual practitioners" that were not included in health institutions before 1997 were reclassified as "private clinics" since 1997, and were
    included in the number of clinics.
b) Number of clinics include clinics, health care stations, and infirmary.
c) Data on sanitation and antiepidemic agencies before 1995 referred only to the number of sanitation and antiepidemic stations.