21-14    Composition of Books Published in China (2001)
Category Number of Printed Copies Printed Sheets
Publications (10 000 copies) (1 000 sheets)
      Total                                      154526 631019 40608276
  Publications with "China International
    Standard Book Number"                                   152287 627278 40425736
      Marxism-Leninism, Mao Zedong Thought     259 328 37762
      Philosophy                               1590 1313 151749
      General Social Sciences                  1812 1201 164882
      Politics and Law                         6589 10124 1043832
      Military Affairs                         446 307 31567
      Economics                                10460 8848 1217107
      Culture, Science, Education and Sports   61174 520930 29031505
      Languages                                7103 11722 1664315
      Literature                               11235 12291 1432723
      Arts                                     9765 24837 949533
      History and Geography                    4878 4134 455945
      General Natural Sciences                 893 3927 158340
      Mathematics and Chemistry                2673 3138 408122
      Astronomy and Geology                    558 198 17934
      Biology                                  560 301 49788
      Medicine and Health Care                 6440 5282 845448
      Agricultural Science                     3281 2040 174678
      Industrial Technology                    17694 12354 2084135
      Transportation                           1414 1192 156192
      Aeronautics and Aerospace                111 41 5305
      Environmental Science                    502 271 31263
      General Books                            2850 2499 313611
  Publications without "China International 2239 3741 121021
     Standard Book Number"