20-14    Full-time Teachers in Specialized Secondary Schools by Field of Study (2001)
Item Total Senior Lecturers Assistant Instructors
Lecturers Lecturers
  Total                       230022 46683 101211 74986 7142
  Secondary Technical Schools 184418 38200 82328 58634 5256
    Industry                   68550 14247 30921 21512 1870
    Agriculture                20624 3888 9049 7185 502
    Forestry                   3223 782 1430 975 36
    Health                     28686 7295 13034 7734 623
    Economics and Finance      30745 6279 14282 9482 702
    Politics and Law           5683 1096 2440 1933 214
    Physical Culture           7683 1397 3620 2438 228
    Arts                        10574 1880 4095 3934 665
    Others                     8650 1336 3457 3441 416
  Secondary Teacher Training Schools                      45604 8483 18883 16352 1886