20-1    Basic Statistics on Education     
Item 1985 1990 1995 2000 2001  
  Number of Schools                                          
      Regular Institutions of Higher Education      1016 1075 1054 1041 1225  
      Secondary Schools                             104848 100777 95216 93629 95040  
          Specialized Secondary Schools               3557 3982 4049 3646 3260  
              Technical Secondary Schools               2529 2956 3135 2963 2690  
              Teacher Secondary Schools               1028 1026 897 683 570  
          Regular Secondary Schools                   93221 87631 81020 77268 80432  
              Senior Secondary Schools               17318 15678 13991 14564 14907  
              Junior Secondary Schools 75903 71953 67029 62704 65525  
          Vocational Secondary Schools                   8070 9164 10147 8849 7802  
      Primary Schools 832309 766072 668685 553622 491273  
      Special Schools                   375 746 1379 1539 1531  
      Kindergartens 172262 172322 180438 175836 111706  
  Number of Full-time Teachers (10 000 persons)            
      Regular Institutions of Higher Education      34.4 39.5 40.1 46.3 53.2  
      Secondary Schools                             296.7 349.2 388.3 472.3 488.1  
          Specialized Secondary Schools               17.4 23.4 25.7 25.6 23.0  
              Technical Secondary Schools               12.8 17.6 19.5 20.4 18.4  
              Teacher Secondary Schools               4.6 5.9 6.2 5.3 4.6  
          Regular Secondary Schools                   265.2 303.3 333.4 400.5 418.8  
          Vocational Secondary Schools                   14.1 22.4 29.2 32.0 30.6  
      Primary Schools 537.7 558.2 566.4 586.0 579.8  
      Special Schools                   0.7 1.4 2.5 3.2 2.8  
      Kindergartens 55.0 75.0 87.5 85.6 54.6  
  New Student Enrollment  (10 000 persons)            
      Regular Institutions of Higher Education      61.9 60.9 92.6 220.6 268.3  
      Secondary Schools                             1789.8 1815.8 2354.1 3103.2 3184.1  
          Specialized Secondary Schools               66.8 73.0 138.1 132.6 127.7  
              Technical Secondary Schools               45.4 50.3 107.3 111.6 108.2  
              Teacher Secondary Schools               21.5 22.7 30.8 21.0 19.5  
          Regular Secondary Schools                   1606.9 1619.6 2025.9 2736.0 2815.9  
              Senior Secondary Schools               257.5 249.8 273.7 472.7 558.0  
              Junior Secondary Schools 1349.4 1369.9 1752.3 2263.3 2257.9  
          Vocational Secondary Schools                   116.1 123.2 190.0 182.7 185.0  
      Primary Schools 2298.2 2064.0 2531.8 1946.5 1944.2  
      Special Schools                   0.9 1.6 5.6 5.3 5.6  
      Kindergartens     1972.4 1531.1 1398.2  
  Student Enrollment   (10 000 persons)            
      Regular Institutions of Higher Education      170.3 206.3 290.6 556.1 719.1  
      Secondary Schools                             5092.6 5105.4 6191.5 8518.5 8896.0  
          Specialized Secondary Schools               157.1 224.4 372.2 489.5 458.0
              Technical Secondary Schools               101.3 156.7 287.4 412.5 391.7
              Teacher Secondary Schools               55.8 67.7 84.8 77.0 66.2
          Regular Secondary Schools                   4706.0 4586.0 5371.0 7368.9 7836.0
              Senior Secondary Schools               741.1 717.3 713.2 1201.3 1405.0
              Junior Secondary Schools 3964.8 3868.7 4657.8 6167.6 6431.1
          Vocational Secondary Schools                   229.5 295.0 448.3 503.2 466.4
      Primary Schools 13370.2 12241.4 13195.2 13013.3 12543.5
      Special Schools                   4.2 7.2 29.6 37.8 38.6
      Kindergartens 1479.7 1972.2 2711.2 2244.2 2021.8
  Graduates        (10 000 persons)          
      Regular Institutions of Higher Education      31.6 61.4 80.5 95.0 103.6
      Secondary Schools                             1279.1 1497.5 1636.9 2302.3 2412.4
          Specialized Secondary Schools               42.9 66.1 83.9 150.7 150.3
              Technical Secondary Schools               26.2 42.8 59.4 119.6 122.5
              Teacher Secondary Schools               16.7 23.4 24.5 31.1 27.8
          Regular Secondary Schools                   1194.9 1342.1 1429.0 1908.6 2047.4
              Senior Secondary Schools               196.6 233.0 201.6 301.5 340.5
              Junior Secondary Schools 998.3 1109.1 1227.4 1607.1 1707.0
          Vocational Secondary Schools                   41.3 89.3 124.0 176.3 166.5
      Primary Schools 1999.9 1863.1 1961.5 2419.2 2396.9
      Special Schools                   0.4 0.5 1.9 4.3 4.6