17-19    Sector Distribution Registered of  
Foreign Funded Enterprises at the Year-end  
Sector Number of Total Investment Registered Capital    
Registered (USD million) (USD million) Capital Invested by  
Enterprises         Foreign Partner  
2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001 2000 2001  
National Total   203208 202306 824675 875011 483950 505793 337199 359683  
Farming, Forestry, Animal      5066 4752 9215 9135 6301 6180 4726 4763  
   Husbandry and Fishery                        
Mining and Quarrying           1131 1047 2770 3282 1980 2317 1430 1462  
Manufacturing                  142754 141668 453632 491322 289030 305250 198651 214931  
Electricity, Gas and Water     1301 1268 49105 49505 19658 20039 11426 11606  
   Production and Supply                      
Construction                   5610 5139 22131 21547 12033 11862 8025 7743  
Geological Prospecting and     134 128 4181 4237 1525 1545 1399 1412  
   Water Conservancy                             
Transport, Storage, Post and   3352 3499 33205 41442 17267 20432 11809 15163  
   Telecommunication Services                      
Wholesale and Retail Trade &   12275 12249 25283 24592 16277 15585 11724 11311  
   Catering Services                            
Finance and Insurance          72 74 1999 2089 1886 1965 1324 1415  
Real Estate Trade              12732 11925 151247 149094 74303 72244 56085 55536  
Social Services                15331 16169 55400 56274 33471 34020 22575 23188  
Health Care, Sports and Social    455 469 2438 2774 1497 1543 1087 1128  
Education, Culture and Arts,   611 530 1495 1390 1049 982 723 675  
   Radio, Film and Television                 
Scientific Research and        1189 1851 2673 4334 1672 2752 1281 2171  
   Polytechnic Services                       
Others                         1195 1538 9901 13994 6001 9079 4934 7179