15-30    Number of Vehicles for Business Transport
  Total Passenger Vehicles Trucks
Year Number Number Number of Number   Capacity  
Region (10 000 (10 000 Seats (10 000 Ordinary (10 000 Ordinary
  units) units) (10 000 seats) units) Trucks tons) Trucks
1990 31.30 10.76 468.92 20.22 19.82 131.61 127.06
1991 31.67 11.53 497.35 19.83 19.36 132.02 126.54
1992 30.87 12.70 528.87 18.17 17.59 125.91 118.42
1993 28.96 12.85 509.56 16.15 15.53 116.20 108.37
1994 27.97 13.05 493.94 14.87 14.22 109.80 101.21
1995 27.49 13.73 480.61 13.75 13.12 103.13 94.56
1996 28.81 15.41 499.58 13.40 12.74 102.08 91.83
1997 29.89 17.01 519.10 12.88 12.22 95.31 85.09
1998 31.88 19.40 536.43 12.48 11.81 90.02 79.51
1999 501.77 92.14 1409.86 409.62 401.28 1481.02 1406.00
2000 702.82 216.81 2524.45 486.02 475.24 1667.70 1573.73
2001 764.39 255.12 2701.68 509.27 496.65 1733.58 1621.40
  Beijing        9.43 0.49 16.82 8.94 8.33 41.91 35.92
  Tianjin        6.51 0.41 12.29 6.10 5.55 29.36 22.53
  Hebei          57.22 19.33 188.44 37.89 37.19 154.37 148.96
  Shanxi         23.32 6.90 60.65 16.42 16.26 75.16 74.23
  Inner Mongolia 21.24 8.94 67.32 12.29 12.18 55.57 54.70
  Liaoning       25.68 1.82 46.27 23.85 22.79 90.53 77.83
  Jilin          18.72 6.89 62.04 11.83 11.53 45.56 43.52
  Heilongjiang   33.75 16.28 169.67 17.47 16.63 70.21 66.81
  Shanghai       16.78 3.64 36.45 13.13 11.98 52.32 37.11
  Jiangsu        61.76 33.72 302.37 28.04 27.41 95.38 90.44
  Zhejiang       64.17 32.54 260.38 31.63 31.05 73.96 68.55
  Anhui          19.20 3.62 61.58 15.58 15.40 57.58 56.49
  Fujian         14.17 3.11 42.10 11.06 10.40 31.84 26.00
  Jiangxi        8.57 1.54 30.73 7.02 6.98 22.84 22.61
  Shandong       53.15 15.51 145.37 37.63 36.20 127.75 115.64
  Henan          23.87 4.33 78.69 19.54 19.21 77.46 75.32
  Hubei          19.58 3.69 62.99 15.89 15.33 50.26 46.20
  Hunan          21.06 6.34 93.00 14.72 14.57 51.38 50.49
  Guangdong      73.55 9.57 180.95 63.98 62.99 151.06 139.83
  Guangxi        14.31 3.44 60.10 10.87 10.72 36.13 35.27
  Hainan         2.91 0.81 14.73 2.09 2.08 7.33 7.25
  Chongqing      25.09 14.40 164.20 10.68 10.48 28.25 27.39
  Sichuan        31.61 7.49 105.98 24.12 23.93 60.47 59.34  
  Guizhou        15.87 7.01 68.96 8.86 8.77 23.89 23.49
  Yunnan         49.49 27.38 181.23 22.10 21.90 70.38 68.84
  Tibet          1.98 0.41 4.87 1.57 1.57 8.36 8.30
  Shaanxi        11.88 3.30 45.59 8.58 8.34 30.26 28.66
  Gansu          11.91 4.64 50.18 7.28 7.16 27.54 26.96
  Qinghai        5.19 1.91 20.38 3.27 3.21 12.71 12.19
  Ningxia        6.33 2.14 22.05 4.18 4.07 12.21 11.39
  Xinjiang       16.11 3.48 45.31 12.63 12.44 61.60 59.16
a) Passenger vehicles include cars.
b) Before 1999, number of vehicles for business transportation only included those owned by the department of highway transportation. 
    That referred to all working vehicles for business transportation in 1999, and all vehicles for business transportation, including 
    working and non-working vehicles in 2000.