15-28    Number of Civil Motor Vehicles Owned
    Passenger Vehicles Trucks              
Year Number Number Number of Number Ordinary Capacity Ordinary Other  Special Tyre Number of Motors Number of  Automobile
Region     Seats   Trucks   Trucks Special Motor Tractors Other Motor   Motor Drivers Drivers
  (10 000 (10 000 (10 000 (10 000   (10 000   Vehicles Vehicles   Vehicles   (10 000  
  units) units) seats) units)   tons)   (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units) (10 000 units)    persons)  
1978 135.84 25.90               100.17                                    9.77 23.03 12.60 192.45
1980 178.29 35.08               129.90                                    13.31 30.55 18.02 245.23
1985 321.12 79.45 1404.93 223.20            929.25             18.47 178.35 156.18 94.60 462.44
1990 551.36 162.19 2372.64 368.48 357.57 1519.40 1460.84 8.38 12.31 462.58 462.33 421.28 1635.85 790.96
1991 606.11 185.24 2631.56 398.62 386.67 1633.11 1572.67 9.21 13.05 494.53 557.02 505.15 1791.57 859.44
1992 691.74 226.16 3103.63 441.45 427.86 1834.60 1760.37 10.27 13.86 537.08 716.21 647.49 2017.83 969.55
1993 817.58 285.98 3940.08 501.00 483.27 2114.27 2006.34 13.55 17.06 564.68 949.38 858.79 2359.42 1112.97
1994 941.95 349.74 4843.91 560.33 543.86 2396.33 2280.30 14.65 17.49 584.76 1208.89 1093.82 2812.12 1269.23
1995 1040.00 417.90 5213.27 585.43 568.58 2370.93 2257.07 17.27 19.41 591.91 1494.62 1371.93 3501.52 1673.39
1996 1100.08 488.02 6191.82 575.03 558.16 2280.62 2167.10 15.90 21.12 693.34 1773.13 1610.05 4275.26 2100.74
1997 1219.09 580.56 7269.93 601.23 582.45 2287.50 2167.97 16.75 20.55 732.81 2214.83 2022.22 5206.79 2619.25
1998 1319.30 654.83 7621.47 627.89 609.31 2408.94 2280.74 16.52 20.06 772.00 2770.72 2520.44 5944.58 2974.06
1999 1452.94 740.23 9239.81 676.95 655.74 2730.42 2581.87 14.76 20.99 764.47 3456.96 3161.94 6727.49 3361.12
2000 1608.91 853.73 10213.05 716.32 697.59 2920.26 2775.35 17.25 21.60 820.92 4168.06 3771.79 7655.56 3746.51
2001 1802.04 993.96 11171.01 765.24 740.98 3056.67 2894.41 19.58 23.26 826.02 4724.05 4330.77 8455.04 4462.68
  Beijing        114.47 91.60 1064.36 21.43 20.37 75.44 62.46 0.99 0.45 3.10 38.97 34.42 273.02 233.54
  Tianjin        44.79 28.35 258.84 15.44 14.77 52.97 48.00 0.50 0.50 4.25 43.08 36.55 127.63 91.31
  Hebei          119.88 59.87 592.73 58.48 56.94 297.01 284.72 0.52 1.01 137.57 280.11 278.99 558.44 289.82
  Shanxi         59.37 27.64 271.72 30.68 30.29 176.81 173.93 0.53 0.51 20.29 102.39 85.72 189.33 111.38
  Inner Mongolia 43.30 24.14 90.53 18.05 17.13 123.74 114.76 0.82 0.30 47.62 67.62 59.86 195.33 83.76
  Liaoning       85.57 49.78 868.02 34.30 32.72 193.14 177.78 0.60 0.89 12.43 102.50 92.96 326.38 220.47
  Jilin          43.48 24.27 473.26 17.83 17.40 107.16 104.41 0.44 0.95 33.03 83.81 74.79 232.81 157.31
  Heilongjiang   56.33 34.00 563.99 21.35 20.24 90.95 80.98 0.80 0.18 10.42 33.19 32.91 161.44 128.42
  Shanghai       55.01 37.19 368.61 15.98 15.44 66.29 59.65 0.81 1.02 0.83 63.88 62.75 168.28 135.46
  Jiangsu        87.12 50.18 528.06 34.93 33.69 137.94 131.05 0.61 1.39 26.15 530.36 494.07 676.76 181.74
  Zhejiang       85.56 42.61 340.92 41.40 40.65 96.78 89.74 0.96 0.59 43.16 243.31 239.50 413.59 392.73
  Anhui          45.17 21.55 366.58 23.02 22.83 85.51 84.35 0.34 0.26 0.05 122.43 104.46 202.33 170.66
  Fujian         36.67 17.44 169.20 17.71 17.28 51.38 49.75 0.73 0.80 2.75 189.87 183.18 282.18 91.50
  Jiangxi        27.16 11.57 176.43 14.04 14.01 52.26 52.11   1.55 4.83 118.44 109.17 173.02 88.33
  Shandong       127.67 65.80 483.82 56.92 55.33 171.99 164.81 1.60 3.34 61.87 661.94 540.70 746.36 266.67
  Henan          92.46 51.15 634.56 39.48 36.94 189.30 172.48 1.08 0.75 182.80 271.40 222.74 449.36 221.07
  Hubei          52.33 28.21 284.82 22.04 21.45 70.27 67.31 1.37 0.71 0.14 182.00 167.50 273.69 140.23
  Hunan          50.43 25.16 283.90 24.73 24.39 84.54 82.71 0.23 0.32 17.75 112.43 106.22 224.85 118.50
  Guangdong      191.92 99.05 878.92 89.39 87.89 333.58 323.70 2.55 0.93 15.34 741.37 741.30 1106.75 413.67
  Guangxi        35.43 19.33 179.20 14.41 14.18 67.40 66.12 0.28 1.40 28.10 193.83 190.75 318.18 123.98
  Hainan         8.28 4.94 41.84 3.17 2.21 8.48 7.90 0.01 0.14 3.75 49.50 48.16 61.74 35.17
  Chongqing      25.47 14.40 174.42 10.67 10.48 27.93 27.04 0.12 0.28 2.87 21.24 19.32 92.81 70.23
  Sichuan        85.39 49.38 740.67 34.36 33.85 86.67 84.64 0.44 1.21 7.89 142.38 141.09 362.91 181.45
  Guizhou        28.33 12.58 134.00 15.32 15.04 44.18 42.86 0.05 0.38 7.16 21.09 20.51 85.75 59.36
  Yunnan         68.22 33.16 295.29 34.15 33.57 109.49 106.70 0.65 0.26 38.33 74.42 73.57 230.75 131.74
  Tibet          5.16 2.60 17.08 2.47 2.41 12.96 12.56 0.04 0.06 1.50 1.71 1.64 6.82 5.97
  Shaanxi        45.34 26.60 274.65 15.33 12.67 73.61 60.85 1.59 1.82 21.64 102.31 89.14 187.81 137.71
  Gansu          23.87 12.29 228.07 11.15 10.91 39.20 37.77 0.19 0.23 22.42 62.06 16.40 128.39 50.14
  Qinghai        8.60 4.55 45.48 3.82 3.68 14.65 13.88 0.12 0.11 14.78 7.79 7.33 37.92 23.27
  Ningxia        9.07 4.11 24.39 4.65 4.52 24.08 23.40 0.11 0.20 19.15 17.05 16.74 39.59 19.91
  Xinjiang       40.20 20.43 316.64 18.52 17.70 90.95 86.01 0.51 0.74 34.06 41.60 38.34 120.82 87.18
a) Cars are included in passenger vehicles.  
b) Before 1988, special motor vehicles include other special vehicles. Since 1988, special motor vehicles and other special vehicles have been 