13-9    Main Indicators of State-owned and        
State-holding Industrial Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2001)        
                                      (100 million yuan)
    Gross Value- Total Total   Annual Average Original Annual Average                  
  Number of Industrial added of Capital Assets Circulating Balance of Value of Balance of           Sales Sales Total Value-added
Sector Enterprises Output Industry Hold   Funds Circulating Fixed Net Value of Liquid Long-term Creditors' Sales Cost of Tax and Profit Profits Tax
  (unit) Value         Funds Assets Fixed Assets Liabilities Liabilities Equity Revenue Sales Extra Charges     Payable
        National Total                              46767 42408.49 14652.05 21780.70 87901.54 33239.63 32575.86 61782.45 38638.22 33144.47 18322.40 35741.27 44443.52 35522.47 1250.18 6303.81 2388.56 2408.97
    Coal Mining and Dressing                       1204 1283.12 602.65 1142.52 3980.49 1368.72 1313.67 3148.21 1956.33 1398.98 1124.22 1441.25 1271.40 872.83 17.42 262.77 29.43 109.53
    Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction           70 2552.30 1905.08 1785.26 4106.51 852.13 878.86 5880.13 2901.32 837.79 615.54 2575.04 2537.15 1280.26 65.81 1164.24 927.54 235.59
    Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing             163 72.60 32.65 110.29 257.98 80.27 78.59 130.21 80.55 92.40 14.82 150.59 71.07 51.83 2.57 13.05 2.13 4.74
    Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing          517 184.78 70.01 96.01 401.83 133.10 125.25 297.15 187.65 167.63 97.62 136.03 172.51 126.13 1.39 40.77 9.43 7.21
    Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing          548 131.13 53.21 172.20 539.25 166.44 165.77 368.90 273.73 191.82 81.47 264.57 127.28 88.28 4.14 22.22 1.92 9.14
    Logging and Transport of Timber and Bamboo     419 109.32 53.50 92.59 396.77 160.61 156.51 231.65 173.76 207.47 54.39 133.19 91.46 57.22 5.64 26.38 1.24 2.01
    Food Processing                                4016 1176.83 271.04 305.10 1385.23 609.80 604.57 816.93 559.68 840.88 185.18 338.36 1120.75 998.54 5.42 79.81 13.73 29.75
    Food Manufacturing                             1624 438.41 123.08 158.87 678.94 293.31 291.58 344.10 235.54 353.39 77.25 244.92 400.59 319.26 1.81 44.39 14.39 20.14
    Beverage Manufacturing                         1376 855.92 340.77 342.00 1660.22 788.95 750.18 796.84 560.43 759.81 165.67 724.70 831.25 522.80 73.37 135.48 65.66 59.01
    Tobacco Processing                             276 1673.84 1086.86 335.32 2425.76 1415.07 1217.94 960.01 614.55 1104.55 120.33 1198.86 1736.98 726.61 644.65 301.50 176.00 175.85
    Textile Industry                               2157 1481.08 403.90 542.44 2523.40 1142.53 1131.34 1503.91 947.50 1357.66 479.89 677.72 1409.95 1261.69 5.38 117.01 2.76 58.20
    Garments and Other Fiber Products              546 144.58 42.51 52.88 202.59 113.97 109.42 86.52 56.91 121.61 18.87 61.17 141.73 123.63 0.49 12.78 -0.36 3.33
    Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products       267 88.33 23.57 25.58 108.80 62.27 62.65 51.45 34.42 78.95 13.13 16.33 70.34 59.06 0.38 7.86 0.30 1.50
    Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm Fiber and 502 110.60 33.74 75.90 274.94 88.95 85.04 188.82 140.46 116.36 69.86 87.33 97.42 82.55 0.94 9.36 1.44 4.99
        Straw Products                               
    Furniture Manufacturing                        204 22.80 7.32 15.16 52.46 23.90 24.22 23.59 16.59 28.92 6.39 16.43 22.93 18.82 0.15 2.39 0.14 0.89
    Papermaking and Paper Products                 846 454.35 131.04 256.32 1182.98 427.77 418.38 660.55 478.66 476.31 283.41 418.11 427.19 352.73 2.15 56.28 12.57 24.83
    Printing and Record Medium Reproduction        1890 273.08 102.60 169.74 520.51 221.23 219.45 349.81 220.33 219.31 61.55 234.83 252.53 191.73 1.69 53.67 18.97 16.75
    Cultural, Educational and Sports Goods         213 37.61 12.85 20.88 84.36 43.85 44.17 29.19 18.32 40.13 6.69 37.51 38.53 30.33 0.19 6.64 2.04 2.15
    Petroleum Processing and Coking                279 4130.07 771.57 889.93 3527.10 1061.17 1166.34 3389.29 2002.22 1245.87 590.37 1553.72 4195.95 3808.64 189.05 160.76 -20.37 134.56
    Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products   3261 2971.67 734.76 1500.31 6041.78 2084.57 2091.61 4486.55 2819.53 2336.20 1401.73 2218.22 2907.75 2504.30 27.72 290.23 11.73 117.14
    Medical and Pharmaceutical Products            1341 913.54 326.60 397.60 1858.46 959.98 928.01 678.23 453.08 825.75 212.16 801.21 922.44 606.54 5.80 184.06 73.89 64.03
    Chemical Fiber                                 203 432.66 96.24 251.51 968.46 309.58 316.79 732.63 471.80 324.86 260.69 377.59 414.81 367.23 1.71 39.14 3.17 18.08
    Rubber Products                                341 304.33 84.52 118.13 550.28 263.97 258.31 286.67 205.53 290.50 86.70 171.11 271.92 223.91 7.35 30.10 0.99 12.08
    Plastic Products                               821 242.74 65.60 130.78 499.49 217.30 211.48 281.07 190.66 217.85 83.38 196.11 248.14 205.27 0.83 33.83 10.39 9.24
    Nonmetal Mineral Products                      3635 1055.08 334.22 710.35 2814.16 1086.10 1065.34 1781.56 1213.70 1256.31 553.91 963.97 991.16 780.55 7.50 145.49 5.61 61.55
    Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals        622 4127.79 1179.94 2350.25 8602.30 2799.83 2795.01 6390.46 3628.97 2898.36 1327.52 4335.23 4122.17 3524.41 25.34 513.47 153.84 232.35
    Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals     614 1158.62 332.42 564.15 2230.79 892.00 884.10 1482.52 947.72 946.15 474.63 801.88 1139.75 967.77 5.13 148.09 40.24 53.25
    Metal Products                                 1239 331.13 90.22 163.03 643.40 344.13 335.06 304.70 190.00 369.35 85.69 186.34 312.29 254.66 1.44 38.49 5.67 13.82
    Ordinary Machinery                             2475 1275.77 361.50 651.88 2878.30 1620.67 1578.03 1330.97 811.81 1578.80 363.36 928.98 1206.08 961.45 5.08 186.71 11.40 56.57
    Special Purpose Equipment                      2239 863.35 241.70 469.94 1931.32 1069.51 1049.18 970.16 580.11 1094.06 209.33 607.38 819.86 670.81 4.11 113.17 -0.26 33.10
    Transport Equipment                            2478 4312.16 1109.81 1759.36 6847.34 3625.84 3513.35 3062.71 1947.64 3420.55 782.22 2612.80 4206.33 3425.32 76.20 586.69 196.18 172.62
    Electric Equipment and Machinery               1474 936.31 251.19 428.81 1915.97 1093.35 1063.36 773.15 482.68 1007.48 208.63 687.75 904.81 717.16 3.39 127.52 21.22 38.20
    Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment    1182 2942.37 672.17 766.35 3921.27 2480.44 2349.00 1255.39 753.12 1823.32 384.83 1687.29 2915.84 2499.23 5.44 276.14 131.41 79.73
    Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery 675 185.95 61.95 121.79 504.53 283.98 272.49 222.56 137.54 280.96 72.52 150.35 189.66 140.19 1.05 36.20 4.66 9.13
    Production and Supply of Electric Power,       4116 4409.03 2392.64 3818.97 18536.45 4210.93 4212.29 16306.25 10856.63 3955.22 7226.13 7268.12 7094.47 6061.69 44.50 950.93 465.05 508.64
        Steam and Hot Water                          
    Production and Supply of Gas                   252 134.24 39.25 266.25 587.40 178.94 169.22 426.77 292.64 165.11 93.79 327.03 200.17 190.32 1.00 -1.02 -1.43 7.62
    Production and Supply of Tap Water             2205 298.78 143.86 542.79 1496.37 349.08 339.91 1307.25 907.52 299.17 296.90 897.51 281.29 216.21 3.03 49.67 3.59 16.99