12-3    Basic Conditions of Rural Grassroots Units
Year Number of   Number Number of Rural Number of      
Region Township Town of Households Population Rural Labor- Male Female  
  and Town Govern- Villagers' (10 000 (10 000 ers (10 000      
  Governments ments Committees households) persons) persons)      
1978 52781           690000 17347.0 80320.0 30638.0 16548.4 14089.6  
1980 54183           709820 17673.0 81096.0 31835.7 17379.7 14456.2  
1985 91138 7956 940617 19077.0 84419.7 37065.1 20153.2 16911.9  
1990 55838 11392 743278 22237.0 89590.3 42009.5 22551.8 19457.7  
1991 55542 11882 804153 22566.0 90525.1 43092.5 23121.9 19970.6  
1992 48250 14135 806032 22849.0 91154.4 43801.6 23449.9 20351.7  
1993 48179 15223 802352 22984.0 91333.5 44255.7 23653.1 20602.6  
1994 48075 16433 802052 23165.0 91526.2 44654.1 23854.1 20800.1  
1995 47136 17282 740150 23282.0 91674.6 45041.8 24037.4 21004.4  
1996 45484 17998 740128 23437.6 91941.0 45288.0 24154.9 21133.1  
1997 44689 18402 739447 23406.2 91524.7 45961.7 24500.6 21462.1  
1998 45462 19060 739980 23678.0 91960.1 46432.3 24733.1 21699.2  
1999 44741 19184 737429 23810.5 92216.3 46896.5 24995.7 21900.8  
2000 43735 19692 734715 24148.7 92819.7 47962.1 25517.8 22444.3  
2001 40161 19555 709257 24432.2 93382.9 48228.9 25685.4 22543.5  
  Beijing       214 147 4044 127.6 361.6 165.3 85.5 79.8  
  Tianjin       141 121 3852 112.7 387.2 169.2 92.5 76.7  
  Hebei         1974 910 49914 1434.1 5385.6 2717.9 1454.0 1263.9  
  Shanxi        1187 558 32066 622.6 2324.0 988.6 547.6 441.0  
  Inner Mongolia 1149 416 13302 351.7 1372.9 632.5 359.6 272.9  
  Liaoning      1585 658 16033 685.3 2318.6 977.5 544.0 433.5  
  Jilin         791 453 10005 369.8 1433.0 640.0 371.4 268.6  
  Heilongjiang  915 442 9502 465.9 1877.6 918.8 526.9 391.9  
  Shanghai      151 148 2715 115.8 363.7 255.0 128.3 126.7  
  Jiangsu       1287 1120 20782 1544.6 5257.7 2684.4 1383.7 1300.8  
  Zhejiang      1415 839 40569 1122.7 3631.3 2170.1 1167.0 1003.1  
  Anhui         1791 966 29810 1303.4 5106.2 2821.5 1501.7 1319.8  
  Fujian        936 577 15008 666.9 2692.6 1255.2 675.6 579.5  
  Jiangxi       1666 777 20550 747.5 3207.4 1552.2 813.3 738.9  
  Shandong      1499 1164 87282 2027.3 7033.1 3653.7 1941.7 1712.0
  Henan         2029 777 48556 1984.3 7865.6 4687.8 2478.6 2209.2
  Hubei         969 738 31616 987.0 3939.3 1781.7 937.3 844.4
  Hunan         2358 1072 50064 1455.4 5413.8 2877.6 1560.4 1317.2
  Guangdong     1591 1559 22881 1470.1 6185.0 2858.7 1487.1 1371.6
  Guangxi       1356 745 14837 922.4 4034.8 2159.6 1141.6 1017.9
  Hainan        299 201 2676 106.4 504.6 229.5 119.8 109.8
  Chongqing     1237 663 18264 714.7 2438.8 1345.2 717.9 627.3
  Sichuan       5051 1877 55047 1965.7 6925.9 3778.8 1993.8 1785.1
  Guizhou       1460 696 24890 743.9 3160.6 1821.5 960.5 861.0
  Yunnan        1433 405 13419 836.2 3463.7 1971.0 1022.2 948.9
  Tibet         719 115 6422 38.3 218.6 100.7 51.1 49.6
  Shaanxi       1919 851 31083 693.2 2771.3 1333.1 730.6 602.5
  Gansu         1533 280 17834 451.1 2039.5 942.2 496.3 445.9
  Qinghai       422 73 4123 71.2 339.5 174.0 89.8 84.3
  Ningxia       291 58 2690 87.7 397.5 200.4 104.4 95.9
  Xinjiang      793 149 9421 207.0 932.0 365.4 201.3 164.1
a)Total rural population refers to persons residing and registered in rural areas. This indicator is calculated on the basis of the town classification
    standards of 1964 which includes rural population in what are now established towns. Therefore, the statistical coverage in the table are larger than
    the rural population shown in Chapter 4.