12-2    Output of Farming, Animal Husbandry and Fishery  
1997 1998 1999 2000 2001  
 Yield of Farm Crops    (10 000 tons)                                               
 Grain                               49417.1 51229.5 50838.6 46217.5 45263.7  
     Cereal                             44349.3 45624.7 45304.1 40522.4 39648.2  
         Rice                              20073.5 19871.3 19848.7 18790.8 17758.0  
         Wheat                             12328.9 10972.6 11388.0 9963.6 9387.3  
         Corn                              10430.9 13295.4 12808.6 10600.0 11408.8  
     Beans                              1875.5 2000.6 1894.0 2010.0 2052.8  
     Tubers                             3192.3 3604.2 3640.6 3685.2 3563.1  
 Oil-bearing Crops                   2157.4 2313.9 2601.2 2954.8 2864.9  
     Peanuts                            964.8 1188.6 1263.9 1443.7 1441.6  
     Rapeseeds                          957.8 830.1 1013.2 1138.1 1133.1  
    Sesame                             56.6 65.6 74.3 81.1 80.4  
 Cotton                              460.3 450.1 382.9 441.7 532.4  
 Fiber Crops                         74.9 49.5 47.2 52.9 68.1  
     Jute and Ambary Hemp               43.0 24.8 16.4 12.6 10.6  
 Sugarcane                           7889.7 8343.8 7470.3 6828.0 7566.3  
 Beetroots                           1496.8 1446.6 863.9 807.3 1088.9  
 Tobacco                             425.1 236.4 246.9 255.2 235.0  
     Flue-Cured Tobacco                 390.8 208.8 218.5 223.8 204.5  
 Silkworm Cocoons                    46.9 53.5 48.5 54.8 65.5  
     Mulberry Silkworm Cocoons          42.3 48.2 44.7 50.1 60.2  
 Tea                                 61.3 66.5 67.6 68.3 70.2  
 Fruits                              5089.3 5452.9 6237.6 6225.1 6658.0  
 Yield of Farm Crops per Hectare (kg/hectare)                            
     Cereal                             4823 4953 4945 4753 4800  
     Cotton                             1025 1009 1028 1093 1107  
     Peanuts                            2592 2943 2961 2973 2888  
     Rapeseeds                          1479 1272 1469 1519 1597  
     Sesames                            919 1042 1066 1034 1061  
     Jute and Ambary Hemp               2649 2677 2540 2516 2046  
     Sugarcane                          60158 59550 57338 57626 60626  
     Beetroots                          24475 24806 25335 24518 26807  
     Flue-Cured Tobacco                 1809 1737 1797 1763 1732  
 Number of Large Animals (year-end,10 000 heads) 14541.8 14803.2 15024.8 15151.5 14995.9  
     Cattle and Buffaloes               12182.2 12441.9 12698.3 12866.3 12824.2  
     Horses                             891.2 898.1 891.4 876.6 826.0  
     Donkeys                            952.8 955.8 934.8 922.7 881.5  
     Mules                              480.6 473.9 467.3 453.0 436.2
     Camels                             35.0 33.5 33.0 32.6 27.9
 Number of Slaughtered Fattened Hogs (10000 heads) 46483.7 50215.1 50749.0 52673.3 54936.7
 Number of Hogs (year-end,10 000 heads) 40034.8 42256.3 43144.2 44681.5 45743.0
 Number of Sheep and Goats (year-end,10 000 heads) 25575.7 26903.5 27925.8 29031.9 29826.4
     Goats                              13480.1 14168.3 14816.3 15715.9 16129.2
     Sheep                              12095.6 12735.2 13109.5 13316.0 13697.2
 Output of Meat         (10 000 tons) 5268.8 5723.8 5820.7 6125.4 6333.9
     Pork Beef and Mutton               4249.9 4598.2 4647.4 4838.2 5026.0
         Pork                              3596.3 3883.7 3890.7 4031.4 4184.5
         Beef                              440.9 479.9 505.4 532.8 548.8
         Mutton                            212.8 234.6 251.3 274.0 292.7
 Milk                 (10 000 tons) 681.1 745.4 806.9 919.1 1122.9
     Cow Milk                           601.1 662.9 717.6 827.4 1025.5
 Sheep Wool                     (ton) 255059 277545 283152 292502 298254
 Goat Wool                      (ton) 25865 31417 31849 33266 34241
 Cashmere                       (ton) 8626 9799 10180 11057 10968
 Poultry Eggs           (10 000 tons) 1897.1 2021.3 2134.7 2243.3 2336.7
 Total Aquatic Products (10 000 tons) 3601.8 3906.5 4122.4 4278.5 4381.3
     Seawater Aquatic Products          2176.4 2356.7 2471.9 2538.7 2571.7
     Freshwater Aquatic Products        1425.4 1549.8 1650.5 1739.7 1809.6