8-19    Final Statement of Government Revenue by Region (2001)
                                                        (10 000 yuan)
                Tax on the  Tax on  Town Tax on Real    Tax on  the Land Value Tax on the       Tax on Special  Tax on the  Tax on The     Planning           
Region Total  Value-added Operation Enterprises'  Return for Individual Resources Adjustment of Maintenance Estates   Use of  Added Tax Use of Vehicles Slaughter Banquet Agricultural Agricultural Animal  Occupancy Contract  State-downed Subsidies to  Income from Penalty Income from Expert  Other
  Revenue Tax  tax Income Tax Enterprises'  Income Tax Tax  the Investment and    Stamp Tax Urban Land   and Ships Tax Tax Tax Products Husbandry of Cultivated Tax Assets Loss-suffering Adiministr- and  Use of Sea  Project  Income
          Income Tax     in the Construction                      Land   Profit Stated-owned ative Fees confiscatory  Area, Field Income  
                 Fixed Assets                             Enterprises   income and Diggings    
  Total         78032999 13416584 18490998 16361250 -77597 7160144 671084 155715 3806212 2284249 711235 661542 103296 246069 246681 1134 1639218 1219725 3943 383340 1570772 572086 -2617594 3711483 3566920 35340 2510648 1198522
  Beijing        4541676 589957 1813472 899075 -38354 795167 2431 11745 205316 214340 67447 30975 1874 17423 462 5880 2222 4271 126297 174 -532229 84182 86547 10973 136227 5802
  Tianjin        1636350 348737 429946 393829 -66 165772 3851 2451 76875 50835 13325 6096 4121 63 3227 482 3487 34989 -40000 43444 49850 1561 39989 3486
  Hebei          2835023 488480 500222 541367 -26 233082 49876 4380 122231 70590 13591 31928 884 6904 2963 64057 24857 14891 27813 18787 -35354 263414 215931 4266 126067 43822
  Shanxi         1327618 308705 261131 221608 -2143 90615 59428 4302 75565 44549 10685 19888 161 3206 1229 29677 5538 4653 7587 7030 -48418 59683 81490 57 59673 21719
  Inner Mongolia 994313 148386 196127 151985 -123 66710 20247 1452 48921 42363 7731 25587 1208 4555 7794 748 44169 28209 12 4935 10728 19489 -14436 82459 47363 33623 14071
  Liaoning       3704387 665132 878545 636167 -1159 294413 87004 9250 192641 157925 34533 65468 5767 10680 5439 36809 29705 8073 83131 35497 -47195 185029 165620 5875 141908 18130
  Jilin          1211015 242028 280301 206802 -709 87726 10198 2996 73527 45424 7872 8018 3730 3243 1488 29219 19843 13041 24500 14292 -62176 60550 74412 318 51123 13249
  Heilongjiang   2136398 525551 363088 219392 -75 126150 129349 1590 161031 66157 8322 31546 1371 7353 2878 102353 31627 4808 35848 9924 -24646 96518 85150 373 123281 27459
  Shanghai       6094719 1119511 1911225 1498156 -678 784443 409 247477 146551 158268 20465 1516 11388 532 16746 1692 12824 189180 -362320 84653 121974 128095 2612
  Jiangsu        5721473 1319931 1094859 1408127 445417 9645 2950 304506 142038 43558 25955 2806 17317 1094 239778 14220 28670 137505 9817 -75366 54587 275463 1005 179664 37927
  Zhejiang       5006948 1024086 1248934 1756406 -3618 516942 2769 602 284890 113013 30295 10649 5512 9833 6888 49784 18688 66038 181319 84 -766221 75757 185879 693 177034 10692
  Anhui          1921813 282788 326479 382527 -1602 113132 19327 546 98111 48121 10267 30709 3779 7456 -17 256903 28703 8764 25655 8666 -68275 180850 76109 55147 27668
  Fujian         2742846 407776 614212 563513 -2815 364544 7140 2929 97509 98498 19935 14797 5265 5888 4079 11878 70102 15997 65058 28295 -4260 101136 114645 819 66175 69731
  Jiangxi        1319790 172324 266187 226096 -10 79102 8674 3501 57160 28788 5959 12131 1987 2382 26438 47011 58868 3686 20739 21317 -2286 123165 88035 34891 33645
  Shandong       5731793 1002918 926921 1491110 369925 64405 36530 290458 165321 26963 89095 10656 36376 12189 97073 181590 30469 51423 54847 -88303 403697 200800 4493 216762 56075
  Henan          2677459 443548 528903 608462 -70 192469 24343 2140 137300 70309 11436 19098 938 5982 19452 67304 93672 11687 30070 41078 -114599 140060 199806 501 106848 36722
  Hubei          2319410 371308 446806 365089 -51 166625 15010 4039 114028 58800 15688 38042 682 6580 27249 78291 83428 14682 33488 8825 -47861 179925 192236 1263 56474 88764
  Hunan          2054078 293807 364410 227791 -2831 186663 6663 1201 118145 44161 13521 20684 860 4111 22573 77836 51579 16968 21302 27669 -59121 215082 212715 431 71671 116187
  Guangdong      11605126 1724793 3181606 2678119 -9 1178630 9603 6737 354286 287375 147806 42154 40398 49730 17639 70604 33333 41558 282855 70637 -52048 488865 474892 1027 257016 217520
  Guangxi        1786706 238650 328720 373009 -106 167500 8041 3605 64830 43449 4817 18693 2218 3441 8818 41849 56017 11665 19149 40878 -17988 148998 103231 110 51845 65267
  Hainan         437656 35186 127383 43037 43721 4173 17113 24356 3587 2803 1211 2436 1806 4890 25676 3440 10036 13727 -3129 43688 19282 814 9580 2840
  Chongqing      1061243 177603 278403 118737 -601 106138 10944 2674 54482 28870 6758 8467 981 1375 6337 36811 12073 4833 19029 15587 -27670 85956 67969 500 36678 8309
  Sichuan 2711245 380085 628085 457425 -15 159951 31185 8121 136019 78044 12405 18727 5673 5651 48658 85858 47599 22 13682 64276 54693 -27937 239235 143421 67 70976 49339
  Guizhou        997494 142622 220764 123437 -2775 66684 7291 1721 63307 30002 3644 12100 1545 1801 6048 30313 41132 12900 8995 19896 -5242 76754 48793 36019 49743
  Yunnan         1912799 336212 366782 262891 -5815 114532 9390 28966 190847 56863 12338 26303 655 9002 7527 34519 150541 12681 20964 5632 -28677 40262 74567 76120 109697
  Tibet          61108 8493 22617 13011 -5 4626 1906 2410 396 108 25 822 -9703 4908 2405 38 1833 7218
  Shaanxi        1358109 233318 334989 207586 -540 73119 13592 4391 80401 50512 7994 18609 1040 4595 813 386 25010 71794 2 8809 13538 12913 -21169 48210 70609 91 69084 28413
  Gansu          699485 133758 173483 104045 -417 38788 8448 655 48963 27210 3617 4433 55 1319 2633 15621 22593 3505 3285 7801 6169 -11942 24837 25602 2 37178 17844
  Qinghai        198241 38500 48664 28928 -10400 9387 4273 1389 12490 6330 878 694 1 283 776 3313 2734 180 592 1701 14155 -121 11040 6180 35 8786 7453
  Ningxia        275745 38530 75194 60084 -852 19764 740 226 14399 9314 1603 2947 86 461 43 9381 397 125 957 3932 5039 -557 14005 8785 9680 1462
  Xinjiang       950933 173861 252540 93439 -1732 98407 41138 4217 60974 34141 5996 4481 329 1177 2790 23054 10811 97 969 11864 6147 -18345 50534 47159 28 41201 5656