6-22    Investment in Innovation by Sector (2001)
                              (100 million yuan)
    Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Finance Real Social Health Education, Scientific Government Others
Year   Forestry, Quarrying and Supply of Prospecting Storage, and Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture and Research Agencies,
Region Total Animal   Electricity and Water Post & Trade Insurance Trade   Sports & Arts, Radio, and Party
    Husbandry   Gas and Conservancy Telecommu- & Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic Agencies
    and Fishery   Water   nication Services       Welfare Television Services and  Social
            Services               Organizations
1980 137.38 1.21 34.55 73.72 5.62 1.07 0.14 12.17 4.02 0.06 2.28   0.23 0.50 0.43 0.99 0.39
1985 449.14 5.56 44.09 289.71 17.25 6.97 0.79 41.49 10.37 0.97 3.05 17.41 1.78 2.91 2.35 3.24 1.49
1990 830.19 7.32 85.49 518.20 43.79 7.69 3.15 81.32 22.10 1.72 8.54 27.68 3.16 4.65 2.18 7.05 6.14
1991 1023.23 13.16 92.96 646.29 43.98 8.51 3.53 113.67 27.83 2.11 8.90 34.74 3.22 5.62 2.29 9.22 7.20
1992 1461.10 14.77 90.13 920.59 65.96 14.20 5.23 192.77 48.12 2.42 13.02 52.93 4.22 6.08 3.16 12.81 14.69
1993 2195.85 17.83 141.69 1298.33 99.31 32.98 7.04 361.47 65.47 3.73 33.80 78.68 6.04 9.37 3.18 21.22 15.73
1994 2918.61 19.64 171.02 1606.03 150.99 31.47 5.50 576.95 101.04 3.63 59.79 120.03 4.47 10.07 5.02 27.38 25.58
1995 3299.35 18.83 206.67 1775.84 217.64 45.80 8.26 680.73 97.30 2.85 56.57 108.50 5.93 15.27 6.29 29.94 22.93
1996 (3622.74) (23.22) (228.29) (1843.01) (259.21) (34.17) (10.35) (875.97) (70.93) (8.11) (41.76) (131.30) (10.38) (13.38) (5.77) (37.47) (29.42)
                       3615.00 22.91 228.09 1839.23 258.93 33.98 10.31 875.19 70.38 8.07 41.75 131.01 10.17 12.98 5.64 36.93 29.42
1997 3921.94 27.21 244.37 1866.24 275.43 47.91 25.10 1050.13 61.06 11.77 56.92 151.47 10.77 17.95 4.85 37.55 33.21
1998 4516.75 27.11 308.78 1797.30 344.52 30.04 33.48 1542.25 52.64 12.86 25.54 189.48 11.64 20.41 5.83 49.86 64.99
1999 4485.08 26.33 251.66 1796.07 463.86 31.28 30.52 1420.67 46.03 6.89 35.51 228.33 15.31 26.77 18.89 54.87 32.09
2001 5107.60 26.35 373.86 2104.15 481.67 65.82 24.89 1553.60 57.74 6.22 32.25 225.13 19.67 33.67 34.35 50.19 18.05
2001 5923.76 21.04 413.78 2662.76 483.15 42.57 25.49 1825.32 55.72 16.53 17.96 199.15 23.92 43.74 33.10 35.94 23.57
  Beijing       186.51   0.20 48.65 5.84 1.24 2.45 77.60 0.61   0.03 24.51 1.91 0.87 20.55 1.30 0.75
  Tianjin       139.52 0.07 0.68 87.01 5.79 2.26 0.21 23.88 5.71 0.03   1.55 0.14 0.26 0.42 1.14 10.36
  Hebei         342.30 3.09 15.55 164.42 32.88 1.09 2.25 89.78 3.67 0.52 0.05 20.65 0.96 3.03 0.06 1.48 2.81
  Shanxi        145.30 0.12 23.36 72.66 6.07 3.88 0.18 35.92 0.17 0.02 0.05 2.55 0.04 0.04   0.21 0.01
  Inner Mongolia 69.58 0.00 3.14 40.45 6.05 0.33   16.92       1.69 0.04 0.89 0.07    
  Liaoning      329.88 1.03 39.05 188.29 19.00 0.47   69.53 2.83 0.04 1.27 6.74 0.25 0.65 0.21 0.46 0.07
  Jilin         128.74 0.04 6.99 95.76 14.17 0.30   8.53 0.53     0.32 0.36 0.06 0.07 1.40 0.20
  Heilongjiang  201.12 1.26 60.12 55.39 20.69 0.71 0.09 62.27 0.19     0.38 0.01 0.02      
  Shanghai      432.03 1.40 0.26 234.91 22.04 5.18 1.08 88.48 10.65 0.16 14.42 41.07 1.94 7.42 0.27 1.99 0.76
  Jiangsu       402.32 0.59 12.25 215.39 44.83 3.40 0.68 107.07 1.71 0.92 0.08 8.05 0.79 2.80 0.82 1.67 1.27
  Zhejiang      318.25 0.04 0.25 133.65 40.71 1.42 0.04 125.78 0.56 1.64   6.57 2.54 3.70 0.57 0.74 0.05
  Anhui         185.33 0.28 12.91 81.38 18.86 0.82 0.90 64.61 0.36 0.59   0.99 1.04 0.84 0.01 1.73 0.01
  Fujian        188.99 0.07 2.81 68.55 5.23 1.00 0.94 106.31 0.56     1.34 0.42 1.03 0.10 0.60 0.03
  Jiangxi       107.28 0.17 1.77 40.15 8.96 0.41 0.06 49.47 0.53 1.14   0.77 0.23 0.95 0.00 2.63 0.03
  Shandong      521.61 0.25 103.07 242.34 43.05 1.53 1.12 105.69 5.31 0.01 0.53 13.53 0.76 1.81 0.13 0.76 1.74
  Henan         198.53 0.04 37.13 96.03 14.35 0.48 1.15 38.58 0.80 0.23 0.01 6.81 0.28 1.52 0.32 0.71 0.09
  Hubei         290.02 1.16 16.32 159.79 9.57 3.51 0.89 72.70 4.75 1.98 0.01 6.76 2.31 4.24 0.57 3.64 1.81
  Hunan         198.31 0.01 4.17 98.72 10.38 1.59 0.11 69.74 2.95 0.14   2.11 1.89 3.82 1.74 0.75 0.20
  Guangdong     484.66 0.72 1.14 112.04 47.86 3.86 8.72 251.73 1.94 5.20 1.16 24.08 6.05 6.77 1.10 9.92 2.36
  Guangxi       86.60 0.35 1.85 32.20 5.12 0.15 0.10 41.43 2.38 0.05   1.98 0.41 0.35 0.20 0.03  
  Hainan        15.23 1.79 0.15 5.11 1.93     5.48 0.01     0.06 0.07 0.13   0.36 0.14
  Chongqing     107.79 0.23 0.92 30.24 10.97 0.20 0.02 56.32 1.78 3.53 0.03 1.79 0.30 0.34 0.06 0.94 0.13
  Sichuan       196.45 0.67 7.13 111.83 17.05 1.11 0.14 46.78 1.93   0.07 5.63 0.29 1.40 1.80 0.62  
  Guizhou       117.37 0.05 3.93 44.95 25.13 0.25 0.06 40.61 1.25     0.74 0.12 0.17   0.11  
  Yunnan        102.58 0.09 2.88 43.64 1.49 0.03 0.44 44.86 1.17 0.06 0.21 5.16 0.14 0.48 1.33 0.59  
  Tibet         4.70 0.01 0.02 0.54 1.00 0.15   2.79       0.05   0.02 0.03 0.10  
  Shaanxi       133.99 0.12 12.32 41.32 22.10 3.44 0.33 42.22 0.14     8.78 0.01 0.01 2.58 0.64 0.00
  Gansu         115.82 2.10 7.34 59.01 10.99 0.59 0.20 31.15 2.61     0.40 0.01 0.01   0.84 0.58
  Qinghai       20.79   2.74 9.70 1.31 0.56 0.07 4.84 0.21 0.01   0.82 0.03 0.02 0.04 0.29 0.16
  Ningxia       25.02 0.05 2.01 17.25 0.81 0.08 0.02 4.42 0.02     0.28 0.01   0.04 0.04  
  Xinjiang      108.18 5.23 13.33 31.40 8.92 2.54 3.26 38.84 0.41 0.24 0.03 3.02 0.58 0.09 0.01 0.25 0.02
 Not Classified 18.99   18.00         0.98                  
    by Region