6-13    Newly Increased Fixed Assets through Capital Construction by Sector
                              (100 million yuan)
    Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Banking Real Social Health Education, Scientific Governments, Others
    Forestry, Quarrying   and Supply of   Prospecting Storage, & Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture, Research Parties  
Year Total Animal     Electric   and Water Postal and Trade Insurance     Sports and Arts, Radio, and and  Social  
Region   Husbandry     Power, Gas   Conservancy Telecom- and       Social Film  and Polytech- Organizations  
    and  Fishery     and Water     munications Catering       Welfare Television nical    
                Services Services           Services    
1985 733.16 11.91 68.04 133.16 86.13 14.01 23.69 132.73 24.77 4.54 43.01 36.12 15.49 57.60 13.70 34.40 33.85
1990 1362.61 18.09 203.36 295.31 238.78 9.54 30.92 160.23 32.43 12.59 13.28 46.66 40.08 98.25 21.61 57.55 83.93
1991 1498.73 22.41 163.33 343.67 317.10 10.01 34.96 203.15 48.44 15.61 13.53 77.73 30.11 102.14 19.75 68.16 28.63
1992 1975.00 27.30 195.59 381.85 398.90 20.86 47.91 261.00 79.18 24.15 30.12 100.33 35.02 120.40 18.79 102.34 131.27
1993 2758.93 34.83 193.82 588.30 452.20 62.17 54.01 491.22 124.63 42.93 65.41 172.16 42.14 148.84 27.19 195.29 63.81
1994 3729.78 34.85 212.79 757.62 667.43 65.50 76.55 710.00 162.96 63.86 122.38 228.69 64.90 191.57 35.25 264.38 71.06
1995 4712.67 46.90 285.53 878.89 816.90 67.80 110.14 1099.05 162.44 76.75 84.06 272.23 69.16 275.97 49.75 355.78 61.33
1996 (6168.14) (63.08) (281.64) (1361.73) (1029.85) (100.12) (109.91) (1414.87) (190.09) (100.10) (100.65) (356.06) (98.65) (356.06) (43.86) (449.13) (112.34)
                       6129.65 61.30 281.46 1360.26 1029.04 99.81 109.38 1412.52 186.58 99.02 100.47 354.84 96.22 344.37 43.42 438.86 112.10
1997 7443.15 82.53 480.14 1407.61 1207.22 125.87 146.28 1809.58 219.70 114.17 100.77 479.43 111.95 418.11 50.00 543.39 146.40
1998 8499.82 109.64 348.18 1272.65 1774.65 115.17 200.50 1784.80 256.88 152.56 135.68 826.72 132.22 501.52 57.22 717.21 114.22
1999 9519.30 208.99 451.96 1327.96 1719.39 131.55 308.71 2090.66 231.85 118.82 124.07 1006.28 168.03 619.58 73.95 833.86 103.65
2000 10431.66 212.98 510.91 1028.28 2092.12 111.82 378.08 2897.78 262.26 86.98 84.04 986.56 163.72 685.47 64.38 755.48 110.81
2001 10112.67 189.64 507.22 1069.96 1650.88 146.69 328.34 2654.08 252.76 82.03 107.87 1170.50 202.83 724.83 72.06 813.11 139.87
  Beijing       354.14 2.12 0.03 19.27 120.39 5.46 1.22 19.77 4.71 4.40 0.58 38.86 6.61 57.28 18.24 48.79 6.41
  Tianjin       201.25 0.62 56.66 36.55 14.63 5.37 5.69 35.15 1.12 0.92 1.72 17.61 1.05 12.32 2.46 7.83 1.55
  Hebei         492.60 12.82 6.97 41.69 141.41 3.94 16.39 103.09 26.89 3.17 9.99 46.34 10.86 29.02 4.79 24.02 11.21
  Shanxi        180.76 4.26 4.56 19.39 68.23 1.83 4.70 22.34 4.57 2.76 0.46 17.50 3.56 13.69 1.13 10.95 0.83
  Inner Mongolia 174.93 10.82 3.40 12.04 15.88 2.78 6.83 59.26 5.89 1.47 1.60 19.61 2.02 10.22 0.61 22.30 0.21
  Liaoning      315.86 4.39 29.88 39.68 45.14 6.11 2.49 67.50 12.41 1.80 3.47 46.50 8.06 21.47 3.99 20.18 2.80
  Jilin         197.14 1.25 23.83 20.66 29.47 6.86 2.13 19.31 10.46 1.79 0.77 15.83 3.18 24.40 0.30 35.58 1.33
  Heilongjiang  447.04 15.73 69.29 50.87 38.04 9.33 3.62 107.74 9.12 2.99 3.96 54.83 3.62 27.17 1.02 45.01 4.70
  Shanghai      275.76 1.32 6.56 86.45 27.03 0.12 1.91 39.79 0.58 0.00 20.63 29.24 10.35 39.35 0.93 10.19 1.32
  Jiangsu       740.18 8.77 3.47 165.90 78.80 7.60 26.00 171.99 16.93 1.93 7.25 93.26 13.64 74.10 2.46 44.35 23.74
  Zhejiang      767.29 2.56 0.08 50.86 200.32 1.53 28.04 203.03 12.23 2.69 1.40 138.81 17.49 66.38 2.18 33.30 6.39
  Anhui         207.92 3.26 6.62 21.13 16.68 3.69 14.84 44.76 6.85 2.31 5.43 21.05 3.67 15.70 2.89 36.01 3.02
  Fujian        208.29 3.74 0.78 29.62 63.21 1.86 6.45 27.01 2.78 2.20 1.38 30.92 4.43 16.94 0.78 15.25 0.94
  Jiangxi       116.45 1.52 0.13 6.17 21.47 1.44 4.10 25.58 3.88 1.81 0.49 13.54 3.62 15.27 0.27 16.23 0.94
  Shandong      526.49 6.57 58.30 61.60 78.19 10.90 22.32 89.47 21.68 8.50 2.20 57.35 9.49 38.09 2.39 56.22 3.23
  Henan         463.48 12.09 32.60 55.79 87.60 3.44 19.90 134.29 5.98 7.01 1.95 37.13 6.11 26.68 3.80 28.40 0.71
  Hubei         393.11 9.02 2.74 29.71 42.40 12.81 25.80 117.55 9.96 2.64 2.05 45.03 8.32 32.39 6.25 41.94 4.49
  Hunan         220.23 2.81 0.50 9.20 30.71 0.77 13.90 62.34 12.75 2.64 1.00 27.47 5.22 24.34 0.65 22.62 3.32
  Guangdong     820.49 5.20 9.84 119.81 100.41 13.12 14.46 141.14 19.90 7.52 20.61 174.60 43.80 36.56 2.53 100.54 10.45
  Guangxi       184.74 3.77 0.76 27.77 30.10 0.89 9.07 54.72 6.57 1.20 0.69 19.73 3.44 11.80 0.50 12.59 1.13
  Hainan        93.83 9.14 0.03 5.51 3.90 1.68 3.63 39.66 1.59 1.64 1.66 12.49 1.21 6.15 0.30 5.03 0.22
  Chongqing     145.60 4.38 0.74 11.32 10.53 1.30 4.65 25.42 4.18 1.46 3.67 20.69 3.39 17.80 1.19 30.36 4.55
  Sichuan       478.22 6.21 4.92 41.38 66.97 12.95 13.86 129.80 7.84 5.60 6.42 100.72 7.01 33.82 1.36 38.47 0.89
  Guizhou       153.06 1.42 0.98 4.94 28.08 0.69 3.39 68.31 3.24 0.86 0.32 24.47 1.91 6.64 0.44 7.16 0.23
  Yunnan        303.32 6.90 2.38 11.40 72.16 6.00 8.78 91.28 10.40 6.68 0.98 21.99 10.32 14.32 4.90 34.17 0.66
  Tibet         60.47 2.70 0.02 0.54 3.63 6.36 18.56 13.52 0.18 0.06 0.31 2.59 1.16 4.18 0.18 6.26 0.24
  Shaanxi       339.22 12.45 17.36 30.07 29.36 3.54 7.67 154.70 17.31 1.66 0.66 13.35 1.62 21.05 3.01 16.36 9.03
  Gansu         171.31 5.09 5.05 27.76 40.01 4.35 6.22 44.74 4.07 1.02 2.73 3.73 2.01 7.22 0.22 15.53 1.54
  Qinghai       94.85 5.41 8.72 2.83 24.84 1.66 2.06 33.62 0.69 0.37 0.21 4.93 0.68 1.72 0.17 6.71 0.24
  Ningxia       65.37 2.13 0.00 17.71 14.95 0.14 3.30 12.18 1.50 0.11 0.16 4.81 0.55 3.40 0.19 4.02 0.22
  Xinjiang      360.05 20.87 99.37 12.34 32.64 8.20 17.27 100.07 6.51 2.79 3.14 15.55 4.43 15.40 1.93 16.77 2.77
  Not Classified 559.23 0.30 50.66   73.72   9.09 394.92                 30.54
     by Region