6-2    Total Investment in Fixed Assets by Ownership
  Total State-owned Collective-owned Individuals Other
Item   Units Units Economy Types of
Investment (100 million yuan)          
1980 910.9 745.9 46.0 119.0                
1985 2543.2 1680.5 327.5 535.2                
1986 3120.6 2079.4 391.8 649.4                
1987 3791.7 2448.8 547.0 795.9                
1988 4753.8 3020.0 711.7 1022.1                
1989 4410.4 2808.2 570.0 1032.2                
1990 4517.0 2986.3 529.5 1001.2                
1991 5594.5 3713.8 697.8 1182.9                
1992 8080.1 5498.7 1359.4 1222.0                
1993 13072.3 7925.9 2317.3 1476.2 1352.9
1994 17042.1 9615.0 2758.9 1970.6 2697.6
1995 20019.3 10898.2 3289.4 2560.2 3271.5
1996 (22974.0) (12056.2) (3660.6) (3211.2) (4046.0)
                                 22913.5 12006.2 3651.5 3211.2 4044.6
1997 24941.1 13091.7 3850.9 3429.4 4569.1
1998 28406.2 15369.3 4192.2 3744.4 5100.3
1999 29854.7 15947.8 4338.6 4195.7 5372.7
2000 32917.7 16504.4 4801.5 4709.4 6902.5
2001 37213.5 17607.0 5278.6 5429.6 8898.3
Growth Rate (previous year=100)                                                                             
1981 5.5 -10.5 150.4 49.8                
1985 38.8 41.8 37.2 30.9                
1986 22.7 23.7 19.6 21.3                
1987 21.5 17.8 39.6 22.6                
1988 25.4 23.3 30.1 28.4                
1989 -7.2 -7.0 -19.9 1.0                
1990 2.4 6.3 -7.1 -3.0                
1991 23.9 24.4 31.7 18.1                
1992 44.4 48.1 94.8 3.3                
1993 61.8 44.1 70.5 20.8                
1994 30.4 21.3 19.1 33.5 99.4
1995 17.5 13.3 19.2 29.9 21.3
1996 14.8 10.6 11.3 25.4 23.7
1997 8.8 9.0 5.5 6.8 13.0
1998 13.9 17.4 8.9 9.2 11.6
1999 5.1 3.8 3.5 7.9 5.3
2000 10.3 3.5 10.7 12.2 28.5
2001 13.0 6.7 9.9 15.3 28.9
a) Other types of ownership refer to the types of ownership other than state-owned units, collective-owned units and individuals economy, including
    joint ownership economic units, share holding economic units, foreign funded economic units, and economic units with funds from Hong Kong,
    Macao and Taiwan, etc.          
b) The data of the total investment in fixed assets from 1990 to 1994 have been adjusted in accordance with the data obtained from the fast survey on
    the real estates in 1994.          
c) In 1997, the cut-off point of investment statistics to be included in statistical surveys on capital construction, on technical transformation and other
    investment statistics was changed from a minimum of 50,000 yuan to the minimum of 500,000 yuan , except statistics on investment in housing,  
    rural collective investment and individual investment. For the convenience of comparison, relevant data of 1996 in this table were adjusted
    accordingly. Data before adjustment were based on the old coverage and data after the adjustment were based on the new coverage. Data in parenthesis
    were based on the old coverage. This sector is the same.