5-24    Average Wage of Staff and Workers in State-owned Units by Sector             
    Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Finance Real Social Health Education, Scientific Government Others
Year   Forestry, Quarrying and Supply of Prospecting Storage, and Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture and Research Agencies,
Region Total Animal   Electricity and Water Post & Trade Insurance     Sports & Art, Radio, and Party
    Husbandry   Gas and Conservancy Telecommu- & Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic Agencies
    and Fishery   Water   nication Services       Welfare Television Services and  Social
            Services               Organizations
1978 644 482 704 663 873 760 712 720 569 650 630 607 605 566 670 661         
1980 803 628 891 821 1073 924 895 902 716 754 758 795 751 722 853 807         
1985 1213 892 1384 1190 1272 1532 1408 1383 1087 1234 1170 1208 1164 1184 1268 1133         
1990 2284 1559 2763 2289 2648 2667 2463 2697 2028 2200 2247 2307 2263 2134 2411 2115         
1991 2477 1665 2982 2505 2883 2924 2718 2967 2201 2355 2476 2547 2417 2257 2580 2277         
1992 2878 1845 3239 2889 3354 3406 3235 3452 2478 2967 3082 3008 2883 2732 3130 2774         
1993 3532 2043 3856 3562 4317 4182 3729 4604 2933 3885 4278 3661 3494 3292 3898 3512 3793
1994 4797 2821 4863 4508 6124 5498 5476 6212 3856 7017 5997 5098 5267 4944 6212 4967 5744
1995 5625 3527 5944 5352 7734 6512 5987 7572 4568 7595 6884 5949 6009 5457 6835 5528 6854
1996 6280 4038 6709 5798 8701 6992 6610 8546 4940 8679 7897 6695 6967 6161 7984 6344 7643
1997 6747 4304 7091 6008 9541 7388 7180 9303 5134 10012 8570 7425 7794 6810 8974 6985 6891
1998 7668 4522 7499 6981 10324 8171 7968 10302 6150 10898 9441 8136 8704 7537 10146 7776 8258
1999 8543 4813 7732 7611 11239 8734 8843 11345 6678 12249 10475 9054 9899 8590 11543 8982 9762
2000 9552 5132 8283 8554 12458 9512 9651 12613 7414 13729 11626 9847 11234 9599 13221 10048 10198
2001 11178 5702 9446 9590 14132 10299 11005 14318 8220 16605 13111 11254 13340 11591 16218 12152 11488
  Beijing        19776 14031 14625 16015 26098 14853 20484 22128 19056 36370 20905 16860 26525 22680 24939 22294 10700
  Tianjin        15110 9654 20303 10994 18369 14280 17244 20048 12800 17836 14987 12990 16897 15400 16935 16558 9758
  Hebei          9139 4241 9872 8236 13323 8232 10957 11525 5868 12631 9724 9476 9986 8798 12821 9736 8958
  Shanxi         8618 6224 8934 6871 9964 7226 8122 12717 5018 11327 8389 6731 9172 9314 10880 8986 7918
  Inner Mongolia 8737 5334 6336 6303 12671 6463 8633 11769 5814 11758 9578 7375 10505 9682 10319 10302 11711
  Liaoning       10609 4639 10182 9948 13487 10059 10621 13528 8052 15717 10758 9440 11767 10805 14255 12320 9604
  Jilin          9043 4421 6757 9583 11957 7436 7199 10320 5822 13237 9554 9261 9956 10201 12217 10290 10584
  Heilongjiang   8924 5401 4904 8055 12675 8335 13394 12415 6781 16257 9810 9236 10535 11071 12099 11396 8875
  Shanghai       21961 14654 39115 19302 25617 20398 20924 28306 19697 31604 25266 16879 23924 22637 23545 25274 20973
  Jiangsu        12917 6514 12150 10216 19353 11957 11324 15051 8428 17335 15754 13075 15871 13479 19460 16495 13113
  Zhejiang       19514 14090 11011 12931 23470 17336 17344 21781 17657 21135 20222 15928 22948 19165 22707 21693 16751
  Anhui          8501 5238 10468 7349 10713 7989 7910 9854 5053 10883 8922 8156 10237 8635 11147 9820 10471
  Fujian         13313 6842 8050 11272 15967 12340 11414 16648 11673 21109 15232 12350 14924 12912 17284 13683 15147
  Jiangxi        8346 4351 7138 6895 8853 9430 8891 11902 5973 11753 8459 7774 10226 8767 10102 9504 8537
  Shandong       11067 8142 15019 8258 14363 9301 10441 14709 6427 15685 11920 9882 13458 11038 14768 11266 10870
  Henan          8573 5367 7980 6955 10629 8095 12492 11238 5617 12531 7341 8190 9381 9158 11337 8918 9520
  Hubei          9133 4447 11323 9172 11377 9940 8217 11215 6564 11218 9072 7827 9522 9722 12105 10263 9402
  Hunan          9991 5568 7499 9326 11971 9499 8254 12865 8133 15162 10269 9084 12397 10439 12697 9855 10417
  Guangdong      16779 6629 8963 13180 20123 15097 12160 22180 13540 25900 18213 17761 18752 15504 24779 18170 13712
  Guangxi        9209 5740 7279 8302 12743 8622 7692 12772 6636 13496 9891 8708 10837 8572 11768 10454 10550
  Hainan         8102 3532 7059 8534 11008 8944 9305 14757 7045 17470 10719 9192 12831 10594 9561 11576 10132
  Chongqing      10035 7335 7750 9218 12968 9181 11414 11235 7837 14025 8909 8386 11841 9930 13694 11072 10468
  Sichuan        10783 7735 8302 9566 12940 10064 13750 13557 7717 17012 11334 9751 12909 9997 16048 11568 13090
  Guizhou        9308 7539 8752 8869 14529 8617 8347 11708 5741 12710 7585 8594 10025 9256 13153 9262 9304
  Yunnan         10880 7208 9082 12048 14180 9313 10120 12419 10780 12454 11360 8873 11849 10995 12817 11095 11926
  Tibet          20112 16937 11401 10132 12604 11418 23036 19529 14114 28744 13261 12668 22757 21105 20144 21835 9107
  Shaanxi        9440 6992 9316 8129 12969 8511 9790 13028 5956 11994 8821 8594 9958 9760 13358 9196 8562
  Gansu          10442 7847 9201 9672 14628 8782 10606 13145 5990 12773 11734 8659 11500 10893 12428 11530 10443
  Qinghai        14028 9908 12383 11287 19742 9033 21198 16328 7738 18028 10689 9236 15156 14575 16563 14948 13947
  Ningxia        11112 6225 11967 9856 17223 10032 10380 14768 7644 15563 9929 8519 12167 11952 13136 11319 12065
  Xinjiang       10145 5541 14868 9285 13471 12097 10342 15561 10491 17847 13263 9737 12794 12587 14241 12885 12111