5-19    Total Wages of Staff and Workers and Related Index
  Total Wages (100 million yuan) Indices (preceding year=100)
  Total State-owned Urban Units of Total State-owned Urban Units of
Year   Units Collective- Other   Units Collective- Other
Region     owned Units Types of     owned Units Types of
        Ownership       Ownership
1978 568.9 468.7 100.2            110.5 110.1 112.5           
1980 772.4 627.9 144.5            119.4 118.6 123.3           
1985 1383.0 1064.8 312.3 5.9 122.0 121.6 123.0 163.9
1990 2951.1 2324.1 581.0 46.0 112.7 113.4 108.7 135.7
1991 3323.9 2594.9 658.6 70.4 112.6 111.7 113.4 153.0
1992 3939.2 3090.4 743.2 105.6 118.5 119.1 112.8 150.0
1993 4916.2 3812.7 849.9 253.6 124.8 123.4 114.4 240.2
1994 6656.4 5177.4 1023.3 455.6 135.4 135.8 120.4 179.7
1995 8100.0 6080.2 1182.0 637.8 121.7 117.4 115.5 140.0
1996 9080.0 6792.7 1241.0 761.4 112.1 111.7 105.0 119.4
1997 9405.3 7211.0 1253.4 940.8 103.6 106.2 101.0 123.6
1998 9296.5 6812.5 1021.6 1462.4 100.2 95.8 83.1 156.9
1999 9875.5 7160.8 962.7 1752.0 106.2 105.1 94.2 119.8
2000 10656.2 7612.9 919.0 2124.3 107.9 106.3 95.5 121.3
2001 11830.9 8355.6 864.6 2610.7 111.0 109.8 94.1 122.9
  Beijing        777.3 477.8 44.8 254.7 117.1 109.2 104.8 138.6
  Tianjin        266.7 159.5 15.6 91.7 109.1 116.9 84.4 102.3
  Hebei          458.1 370.9 31.4 55.8 107.2 107.2 98.6 113.0
  Shanxi         294.1 230.5 22.2 41.5 114.8 114.7 110.4 118.0
  Inner Mongolia 210.5 163.3 12.2 35.0 113.2 113.2 97.2 120.1
  Liaoning       563.8 401.7 48.3 113.8 107.4 104.9 89.9 128.7
  Jilin          277.5 210.2 22.3 45.1 104.7 103.2 94.9 119.4
  Heilongjiang   455.4 330.2 33.1 92.1 108.0 107.1 94.4 117.6
  Shanghai       649.2 371.3 31.9 246.0 110.5 104.6 93.1 124.0
  Jiangsu        758.5 498.6 71.4 188.5 107.5 107.5 86.1 118.8
  Zhejiang       578.7 346.1 46.3 186.3 118.0 120.0 83.7 126.9
  Anhui          295.7 216.0 29.9 49.8 107.3 107.2 94.1 118.0
  Fujian         376.2 212.2 26.3 137.7 112.4 112.8 98.6 114.9
  Jiangxi        225.5 186.5 14.5 24.6 110.2 110.9 95.3 115.1
  Shandong       773.9 577.7 58.0 138.1 111.3 110.2 98.6 123.5
  Henan          553.4 381.9 75.7 95.8 111.6 112.9 114.0 105.4
  Hubei          438.3 352.0 30.4 55.8 108.1 107.3 92.4 126.2
  Hunan          382.1 315.8 26.6 39.6 106.7 104.2 83.3 171.7
  Guangdong      1146.1 663.8 82.7 399.6 110.4 109.8 90.1 116.8
  Guangxi        248.9 201.4 15.2 32.4 114.9 116.7 103.8 109.6
  Hainan         62.4 50.6 2.7 9.1 108.4 108.2 106.4 110.6
  Chongqing      194.2 138.2 15.8 40.1 112.1 107.1 89.5 151.2
  Sichuan        490.3 382.5 39.0 68.8 112.2 112.9 96.2 119.3
  Guizhou        169.6 138.1 9.7 21.8 117.4 118.6 95.2 121.5
  Yunnan         276.0 225.3 14.4 36.3 108.5 107.6 85.7 128.7
  Tibet          29.5 28.3 0.5 0.7 127.2 127.4 110.2 134.4
  Shaanxi        296.4 244.2 14.2 37.9 115.2 114.0 98.4 132.9
  Gansu          193.3 166.3 13.6 13.4 111.7 112.5 77.2 176.2
  Qinghai        57.4 51.7 2.3 3.3 115.3 111.5 102.9 293.7
  Ningxia        64.2 53.6 3.3 7.4 117.2 119.5 93.8 114.2
  Xinjiang       267.7 209.2 10.6 47.9 114.2 104.2 84.3 226.8
a) Data on total wages since 1998 refer to wages of fully employed staff and workers, and the indices since 1998 was calculated on the basis of 
   comparable coverage. (Similarly in the following tables).