4-11    Death Population by Age and Sex (1999.11.1-2000.10.31)
Data in the table are the tabulation data of the 5th national population census in 2000.
 Age Groups Death Population Death Rate (‰)
Total Male Female Total Male Female
Total 7313081 4106571 3206510 5.92 6.45 5.35
0-4 425913 202211 223702 6.04 5.25 6.98
5-9 52137 32664 19473 0.55 0.65 0.44
10-14 51716 32169 19547 0.42 0.50 0.33
15-19 63883 40253 23630 0.63 0.77 0.47
20-24 93184 58931 34253 0.97 1.21 0.72
25-29 133765 84187 49578 1.11 1.36 0.84
30-34 167007 107000 60007 1.33 1.66 0.98
35-39 174999 115117 59882 1.68 2.15 1.18
40-44 199808 131939 67869 2.40 3.05 1.70
45-49 290140 185634 104506 3.47 4.33 2.57
50-54 335032 212106 122926 5.49 6.71 4.19
55-59 398515 252191 146324 8.68 10.57 6.63
60-64 606884 380911 225973 14.79 17.92 11.43
65-69 831514 508705 322809 24.37 29.59 19.06
70-74 1029811 600515 429296 42.29 51.03 34.11
75-79 1000941 536181 464760 66.49 79.89 55.70
80-84 813355 384869 428486 111.68 133.28 97.48
85-89 436741 177071 259670 160.30 188.75 145.36
90-94 162110 52114 109996 242.06 268.63 231.23
95-99 40771 10724 30047 280.70 241.40 298.02
100 and Over 4855 1079 3776 363.98 329.42 375.24