3-21   Flow of Funds Table (Physical Transaction, 1999)
                            (100 million yuan)
Institutional Sector Non-financial Financial Governments Households Total of Domestic Sectors Rest of the World Total
Transaction Enterprises Institutions                    
  Utilization Source Utilization Source Utilization Source Utilization Source Utilization Source Utilization Source Utilization Source
  Net Exports                   -2248.80 -2248.80
  Value Added                   47223.60 1690.00 8282.50 24871.40 82067.50 82067.50
  Compensation of Laborers      17093.33 748.34 7898.90 23213.20 48922.60 48953.77 48922.60 12.05 43.22 48965.82 48965.82
     Wages and Related Income     15189.35 600.32 7898.90 23213.20 46870.60 46901.77 46870.60 12.05 43.22 46913.82 46913.82
     Employer's Contribution of  1903.98 148.02 2052.00 2052.00 2052.00 2052.00 2052.00
        Social Securities  
  Taxes on Production, Net      12032.53 524.00 71.29 13868.99 1241.18 13869.00 13868.99 13869.00 13868.99
     Taxes on Production        
     Subsidies to Production    
  Income from Properties        6081.61 1989.10 5728.97 5869.85 696.59 170.00 28.40 3049.52 12535.57 11078.47 863.09 2320.20 13398.66 13398.67
     Interest                    4576.17 1977.61 5679.97 5790.95 696.59 170.00 28.40 2911.88 10981.13 10850.44 861.60 992.30 11842.73 11842.74
     Dividend                    1505.44 1.49 78.90 98.64 1505.44 179.03 1.49 1327.90 1506.93 1506.93
     Rent on Land Use           
     Others                      10.00 49.00 39.00 49.00 49.00 49.00 49.00
  Total Income from Primary Distribution   14005.23 558.54 13654.71 52360.74 80579.22 80579.22
  Current Transfer              3143.42 275.18 425.31 317.52 2638.75 4030.46 2549.53 4543.09 8757.01 9166.25 444.32 35.08 9201.33 9201.33
     Taxes on Income             1427.29 106.79 1961.85 427.77 1961.85 1961.85 1961.85 1961.85
     Payment to Social Security  1988.00 2052.00 2052.00 1988.00 4040.00 4040.00 4040.00 4040.00
     Allowances                  59.54 1.00 197.23 257.77 257.77 257.77 257.77 257.77
     Others                      1656.59 275.18 317.52 317.52 453.52 16.61 69.76 2297.32 2497.39 2906.63 444.32 35.08 2941.71 2941.71
  Total Disposable Income       11136.99 450.75 15046.42 54354.30 80988.46 80988.46
  Final Consumption Expenditure 10388.33 39334.40 49722.73 49722.73
     Household Consumption       39334.40 39334.40 39334.40
     Government Consumption      10388.33 10388.33 10388.33
  Savings                       11136.99 450.75 4658.09 15019.90 31265.73 -1169.76 30095.97
  Capital Transfer              3699.49 1.00 3700.49 4.72 3705.21 3700.49 4.72 3705.21 3705.21
      Investment Allowances        
  Gross Capital Formation       23139.99 150.73 2823.41 4587.47 30701.60 30701.60
     Gross Fixed Capital Formation         22305.66 150.73 2823.41 4195.70 29475.50 29475.50
     Changes in Inventories      834.33 391.77 1226.10 1226.10
  Minus Items from 
    Other Non-financial Capital
  Net Financial Investment      -8303.51 301.02 -1865.81 10427.71 559.41 -1165.05 -605.63
  Statistical Discrepancy       1884.89 -1292.04 -324.41 470.37 738.81 -133.18 605.63
  Financial Investment, Net      -6418.62 -991.02 -2190.22 10898.08 1298.22 -1298.22