3-19      Direct Input Coefficient of Input-Output Table (1997)
Output           Production and Coking, Gas Chemical Building Metal Machinery and Construction Transportation, Commerce Public Banking and Other
  Agriculture Mining and Foodstuff Textile, Sewing Other Supply of Electric and Industry Materials and Products Equipment   Post and and Utilities Insurance Services
    Quarrying   Leather and Manufacturing Power, Steam Petroleum   Non-metal       Telecommuni- Catering & Resident    
Input       Furs Products   and Hot Water Refining   Mineral Products       cations Trade Services    
  Total Input                         1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000 1.0000000
  Intermediate Input                  0.4026277 0.4773659 0.7226236 0.7062755 0.6480280 0.5681144 0.7775468 0.7314358 0.6840723 0.7846840 0.7180815 0.7125488 0.4415153 0.5160367 0.5132299 0.3896142 0.5328441
      Agriculture                       0.1606388 0.0098903 0.4294177 0.0895886 0.0518097 0.0001313 0.0000084 0.0464367 0.0029314 0.0003477 0.0003426 0.0041448 0.0015928 0.0438842 0.0062127 0.0000000 0.0099408
      Mining and Quarrying              0.0020759 0.0760035 0.0046262 0.0026325 0.0164560 0.2001637 0.5324441 0.0471973 0.1131672 0.1013485 0.0080814 0.0262109 0.0061738 0.0013976 0.0063227 0.0005182 0.0076597
       Foodstuff                         0.0663319 0.0002811 0.1280511 0.0157800 0.0009458 0.0000000 0.0000000 0.0126802 0.0008029 0.0000000 0.0000152 0.0006391 0.0058013 0.0728196 0.0246232 0.0001759 0.0058178
      Textile, Sewing, Leather and      0.0028620 0.0085873 0.0023124 0.4036967 0.0729355 0.0038527 0.0028347 0.0404998 0.0142140 0.0044707 0.0078498 0.0032899 0.0065426 0.0143253 0.0218778 0.0024547 0.0118559
      Furs Products                   
      Other Manufacturing               0.0042276 0.0153801 0.0282696 0.0123967 0.2190271 0.0128194 0.0074122 0.0225883 0.0610978 0.0457943 0.0233947 0.0261055 0.0189527 0.0417670 0.0559741 0.0399930 0.0635590
      Production and Supply of Electric 0.0073152 0.0488471 0.0079359 0.0060693 0.0244120 0.0347893 0.0218671 0.0382612 0.0437962 0.0453468 0.0109572 0.0070152 0.0164340 0.0085420 0.0103716 0.0053488 0.0170629
      Power, Steam and Hot Water      
      Coking, Gas and Petroleum Refining 0.0084632 0.0223578 0.0022573 0.0016278 0.0053402 0.0525938 0.0495978 0.0189958 0.0279685 0.0258989 0.0071393 0.0286238 0.0795079 0.0135156 0.0219979 0.0035161 0.0091028
       Chemical Industry                 0.0739834 0.0486729 0.0252597 0.0765855 0.0773034 0.0074257 0.0212908 0.3653445 0.0573268 0.0227864 0.0725741 0.0209173 0.0153733 0.0183751 0.0309300 0.0024607 0.0754892
      Building Materials and Non-metal  0.0025437 0.0119135 0.0067963 0.0013253 0.0083354 0.0078086 0.0088021 0.0099378 0.1417585 0.0239365 0.0210506 0.2706612 0.0041846 0.0080500 0.0167851 0.0014507 0.0112610
      Mineral Products                
      Metal Products                    0.0031154 0.0390544 0.0076743 0.0031365 0.0467783 0.0069246 0.0063166 0.0131388 0.0532797 0.3569150 0.1523672 0.1224838 0.0060895 0.0048149 0.0091629 0.0017255 0.0111825
      Machinery and Equipment           0.0159949 0.0875449 0.0084274 0.0128034 0.0246879 0.1170027 0.0392387 0.0250791 0.0445827 0.0466744 0.3307439 0.0806348 0.1427984 0.0830564 0.1103670 0.0486610 0.0647636
      Construction                      0.0019838 0.0022213 0.0005357 0.0006125 0.0008754 0.0027521 0.0012015 0.0008804 0.0007568 0.0008610 0.0011727 0.0005804 0.0193976 0.0043482 0.0261874 0.0184961 0.0359569
      Transportation, Post and          0.0119062 0.0433534 0.0124916 0.0131195 0.0210967 0.0324998 0.0287419 0.0231497 0.0420318 0.0381809 0.0194479 0.0366579 0.0443579 0.0247208 0.0411216 0.0367454 0.0673932
      Commerce and Catering Trade       0.0181337 0.0305546 0.0402897 0.0519120 0.0560022 0.0529373 0.0380397 0.0425512 0.0571360 0.0357732 0.0370164 0.0478277 0.0209754 0.0895842 0.0374066 0.0218313 0.0467641
      Public Utilities and Resident     0.0043928 0.0113401 0.0116916 0.0071597 0.0104494 0.0112970 0.0075305 0.0118792 0.0084408 0.0108748 0.0121845 0.0201485 0.0307950 0.0505178 0.0644978 0.1134484 0.0558230
      Banking and Insurance             0.0046890 0.0122548 0.0054793 0.0069310 0.0085985 0.0202657 0.0100166 0.0107001 0.0130736 0.0223454 0.0107833 0.0061623 0.0157567 0.0320814 0.0196769 0.0867982 0.0157409
      Other Services                    0.0139702 0.0091088 0.0011080 0.0008984 0.0029743 0.0048509 0.0022039 0.0021157 0.0017077 0.0031296 0.0029606 0.0104456 0.0067819 0.0042365 0.0097145 0.0059901 0.0234707
  Total Value-added                   0.5973723 0.5226341 0.2773764 0.2937245 0.3519720 0.4318856 0.2224532 0.2685642 0.3159277 0.2153160 0.2819185 0.2874512 0.5584847 0.4839633 0.4867701 0.6103858 0.4671559
      Depreciation of Fixed Assets      0.0236973 0.1067269 0.0375767 0.0422773 0.0369536 0.1337181 0.0350111 0.0425111 0.0492371 0.0381183 0.0346835 0.0165028 0.1631648 0.0487697 0.1753322 0.0475745 0.0734091
      Compensation for Laborers         0.5259335 0.2416306 0.0768879 0.1374413 0.1448653 0.1104148 0.0536515 0.1007396 0.1504277 0.1049317 0.1207885 0.1988933 0.2190030 0.2420863 0.2037373 0.1827124 0.3647852
      Net Taxes on Production           0.0175463 0.0532347 0.0947801 0.0485895 0.0395900 0.0762119 0.0895751 0.0615559 0.0535796 0.0448344 0.0452853 0.0234320 0.0457985 0.1015670 0.0367809 0.2311538 0.0082826
      Operating Surplus                 0.0301952 0.1210419 0.0681317 0.0654164 0.1305631 0.1115408 0.0442156 0.0637576 0.0626833 0.0274316 0.0811611 0.0486231 0.1305184 0.0915402 0.0709197 0.1489451 0.0206791