3-17      Intermediate Use Part of 1997 Input-Output Table
Data are calculated at producers' prices of 1997.
(10 000 yuan)
Output       Textile, Sewing   Production and Coking, Gas Chemical Building Materials Metal Machinery and Construction portation, Commerce Public Utilities Banking and Other Total
  Agriculture Mining and Foodstuff Leather and Other Supply of Electric Power, and Petroleum Industry  and Non-metal Products Equipment   Post and and Catering & Resident Insurance Services Intermediate
Input   Quarrying   Furs Products Manufacturing  Steam and Hot Water Refining   Mineral Products       Telecommunications Trade Services     Use
  Total Input                         246773827 68283887 137925948 153665629 98848920 39087093 32376889 152122332 88074034 127583044 255466116 173855000 70251899 132988462 75005204 35952759 110181277 1998442320
  Intermediate Input                  99357988 32596402 99668550 108530266 64056866 22205940 25174545 111267717 60249007 100112375 183445498 123880172 31017292 68626933 38494913 14007704 58709439 1241401607
      Agriculture                       39641456 675345 59227841 13766692 5121334 5131 272 7064054 258180 44363 87531 720592 111895 5836096 465986 0 1095289 134122054
      Mining and Quarrying              512276 5189811 638067 404519 1626660 7823817 17238884 7179760 9967089 12930346 2064525 4556902 433718 185867 474238 18632 843953 72089064
       Foodstuff                         16368977 19193 17661566 2424849 93490 0 0 1928944 70711 0 3895 111106 407549 9684161 1846867 6325 641018 51268650
      Textile, Sewing, Leather and      706277 586373 318942 62034310 7209598 150590 91778 6160921 1251885 570381 2005356 571970 459632 1905099 1640951 88252 1306299 87058615
      Furs Products                   
      Other Manufacturing               1043260 1050214 3899115 1904950 21650594 501075 239985 3436184 5381129 5842582 5976565 4538579 1331464 5554532 4198349 1437858 7003008 74989443
      Production and Supply of Electric 1805193 3335467 1094571 932638 2413096 1359811 707988 5820387 3857306 5785481 2799201 1219631 1154518 1135994 777927 192304 1880014 36271526
      Power, Steam and Hot Water      
      Coking, Gas and Petroleum Refining 2088501 1526676 311343 250143 527875 2055738 1605821 2889692 2463300 3304255 1823841 4976394 5585580 1797425 1649959 126414 1002957 33985916
      Chemical Industry                 18257172 3323577 3483962 11768560 7641355 290250 689330 55577051 5048999 2907159 18540227 3636574 1080006 2443682 2319909 88468 8317496 145413775
      Building Materials and Non-metal  627725 813500 937385 203651 823945 305215 284985 1511766 12485245 3053889 5377706 47055800 293977 1070552 1258972 52158 1240752 77397224
      Mineral Products                
      Metal Products                    768793 2666788 1058482 481970 4623987 270662 204512 1998710 4692560 45536301 38924664 21294423 427799 640325 687268 62038 1232107 125571389
      Machinery and Equipment           3947123 5977909 1162357 1967437 2440373 4573294 1270428 3815086 3926578 5954860 84493857 14018761 10031861 11045545 8278096 1749497 7135734 171788795
      Construction                      489538 151682 73883 94121 86535 107570 38902 133936 66657 109855 299583 100902 1362719 578260 1964188 664985 3961777 10285093
      Transportation, Post and          2938150 2960339 1722914 2016013 2085389 1270322 930573 3521590 3701908 4871233 4968275 6373168 3116229 3287578 3084330 1321098 7425467 55594576
      Commerce and Catering Trade       4474912 2086388 5556990 7977096 5535757 2069164 1231608 6472986 5032198 4564053 9456432 8315085 1473558 11913663 2805690 784895 5152530 84903004
      Public Utilities and Resident     1084031 774349 1612580 1100203 1032915 441565 243816 1807090 743412 1387441 3112737 3502911 2163407 6718287 4837674 4078783 6150654 40791855
      Banking and Insurance             1157123 836806 755732 1065063 849957 792128 324307 1627719 1151446 2850889 2754770 1071355 1106938 4266460 1475869 3120636 1734350 26941550
      Other Services                    3447479 621986 152819 138050 294005 189608 71356 321842 150405 399289 756333 1816020 476442 563406 728640 215361 2586034 12929076
  Total Value-added                   147415839 35687485 38257398 45135363 34792054 16881153 7202344 40854615 27825027 27470669 72020618 49974828 39234607 64361529 36510291 21945055 51471838 757040713
      Depreciation of Fixed Assets      5847862 7287726 5182806 6496572 3652824 5226651 1133550 6466886 4336511 4863252 8860452 2869086 11462638 6485812 13150824 1710435 8088308 103122194
      Compensation for Laborers         129786622 16499480 10604835 21120006 14319783 4315793 1737068 15324744 13248777 13387503 30857379 34578592 15385376 32194689 15281357 6569014 40192494 415403512
      Net Taxes on Production           4329970 3635071 13072630 7466536 3913428 2978902 2900162 9364034 4718972 5720111 11568865 4073778 3217431 13507238 2758762 8310619 912582 102449091
      Operating Surplus                 7451384 8265209 9397127 10052250 12906020 4359807 1431564 9698951 5520767 3499803 20733922 8453373 9169162 12173789 5319348 5354987 2278453 136065916