3-16    Household Consumption
Absolute figures in this table are calculated at current prices, while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
  Value (yuan)   Index (Preceding year=100) Index (1978=100)
  All     Urban/Rural All          
 Year  House- Rural Urban Consumption House- Rural Urban All Rural  
  holds Households House- Ratio (Urban holds   House- House-   Urban
      holds Households=1)   Households holds holds Households Households
1978 184 138 405 2.9 104.1 104.3 103.3 100.0 100.0 100.0
1980 236 178 496 2.8 108.7 108.8 106.3 115.8 115.5 111.9
1985 437 347 802 2.3 113.1 114.1 108.2 181.3 194.4 147.5
1990 803 571 1686 3.0 103.4 100.3 107.5 221.0 219.5 198.1
1991 896 621 1925 3.1 108.3 106.7 109.3 239.4 234.2 216.6
1992 1070 718 2356 3.3 112.9 109.8 115.4 270.3 257.2 249.9
1993 1331 855 3027 3.5 108.1 106.1 108.9 292.2 272.8 272.1
1994 1746 1118 3891 3.5 104.3 104.6 101.7 304.8 285.4 276.7
1995 2236 1434 4874 3.4 107.5 108.2 104.6 327.7 308.7 289.6
1996 2641 1768 5430 3.1 109.1 114.0 102.5 357.5 351.9 296.7
1997 2834 1876 5796 3.1 104.2 103.3 103.5 372.4 363.6 307.0
1998 2972 1895 6217 3.3 105.5 101.8 108.3 393.1 370.2 332.4
1999 3138 1927 6796 3.5 107.9 104.7 111.3 424.2 387.6 370.0
2000 3397 108.3 459.4
2001 3611 105.4 484.2
  Beijing        8197 3831 10150 2.6 111.9 106.4 112.1  
  Tianjin        6802 3736 8979 2.4 111.2 109.4 111.5
  Hebei          2785 1967 6102 3.1 109.9 108.3 109.9  
  Shanxi         2232 1331 3907 2.9 109.6 110.1 90.6
  Inner Mongolia 2806 1584 4407 2.8 115.7 98.5 112.1
  Liaoning       4789 2540 7366 2.9 106.7 105.7 106.7
  Jilin          3651 1935 5813 3.0 109.1 108.0 109.5
  Heilongjiang   4029 1823 6616 3.6 109.8 109.5 109.4
  Shanghai       12562 6923 14447 2.1 108.8 109.9 108.1
  Jiangsu        4322 2867 7267 2.5 111.9 108.2 110.3
  Zhejiang       4772 3434 9459 2.8 109.4 106.4 111.8
  Anhui          2739 1985 5806 2.9 105.8 103.3 109.1
  Fujian         4611 3901 7247 1.9 104.1 102.3 107.3
  Jiangxi        2500 1801 4845 2.7 104.3 100.4 108.0
  Shandong       3751 2555 6923 2.7 108.2 108.6 105.3
  Henan          2385 1699 5358 3.2 108.0 107.1 109.3
  Hubei          3183 1916 6442 3.4 111.4 108.9 112.6
  Hunan          2845 2037 5974 2.9 104.5 102.8 104.7
  Guangdong      5038 2882 9730 3.4 100.6 101.0 99.9
  Guangxi        2247 1519 5620 3.7 104.7 102.8 106.5
  Hainan         2961 2230 5033 2.3 102.0 100.7 102.7
  Chongqing      2642 1491 6766 4.5 107.1 108.0 103.4
  Sichuan        2466 1750 5535 3.2 103.4 100.3 105.7
  Guizhou        1631 1137 4529 4.0 101.5 101.5 100.3
  Yunnan         2192 1646 5137 3.1 86.6 82.0 94.4
  Tibet          1939 1223 4992 4.1 106.4 106.9 105.4
  Shaanxi        2150 1293 4938 3.8 105.7 109.0 101.0
  Gansu          1839 1054 5064 4.8 106.1 106.1 103.6
  Qinghai        2443 1347 5063 3.8 108.3 106.9 109.4
  Ningxia        2384 1357 4909 3.6 104.1 97.4 108.5
  Xinjiang       2882 1427 5668 4.0 108.8 109.2 107.5
a)The effect of price differentials between urban and rural areas has not been removed in the calculation of the urban/rural consumption ratio.