3-9   Gross Domestic Product by Region (2001)
 Level figures in this table are calculated at current prices while indices are calculated at comparable prices.
                                                    (100 million yuan)
                                       Composition (%) Indices     (previous year=100)  
Region Gross Primary Secondary Industry Construction Tertiary Services for  Geological Transport,Storage, Wholesale,Retail Finance  and Real Social Health Care, Education,Culture, Scientific Research Government Agencies,         Gross       Per Capita
  Domestic Industry Industry     Industry Farming, Forestry, Prospecting Post and Telecom- Trade and Insurance Estate Services Sports and Arts, Radio, and Parties Agencies Others Primary Secondary Tertiary Domestic Primary Secondary Tertiary GDP
  Product           Animal Husbandry and Water munication Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic and  Social   Industry Industry Industry Product Industry Industry Industry (yuan/person)
               and Fishery  Conservancy Services Services       Welfare Television Services Organizations                  
  Beijing        2845.65 93.08 1030.60 816.24 214.36 1721.97 2.49 5.31 218.53 237.83 441.22 111.03 220.20 51.50 191.60 147.71 76.77 17.78 3.3 36.2 60.5 111.2 104.5 109.4 112.8 25523
  Tianjin        1840.10 78.55 904.64 821.18 83.46 856.91 1.70 9.82 203.98 178.25 63.38 85.61 119.64 32.46 76.43 28.11 52.48 5.05 4.3 49.2 46.6 112.0 106.3 112.8 111.7 20154
  Hebei          5577.78 913.90 2767.41 2439.56 327.85 1896.47 8.16 22.04 498.81 501.66 171.62 106.80 130.79 53.87 129.95 21.92 188.93 61.92 16.4 49.6 34.0 108.7 105.3 108.3 111.0 8362
  Shanxi         1779.97 171.09 917.98 779.78 138.20 690.90 8.51 14.40 157.20 146.00 110.00 31.00 48.16 19.25 52.47 8.17 92.44 3.30 9.6 51.6 38.8 108.4 96.4 110.3 109.4 5460
  Inner Mongolia 1545.79 358.89 626.47 506.69 119.78 560.43 4.97 7.01 162.79 148.18 25.40 21.02 49.58 19.79 46.20 6.88 54.02 14.59 23.2 40.5 36.3 109.6 102.0 111.5 112.8 6463
  Liaoning       5033.08 544.44 2440.55 2190.12 250.43 2048.09 16.02 8.43 394.50 696.51 131.32 114.96 277.66 88.40 131.85 45.86 127.20 15.38 10.8 48.5 40.7 109.0 106.7 107.5 111.5 12041
  Jilin          2032.48 409.10 880.84 724.73 156.11 742.54 3.76 4.52 129.06 267.37 24.17 49.62 55.57 29.45 63.78 34.28 64.16 16.80 20.1 43.3 36.5 109.3 104.6 110.9 110.4 7640
  Heilongjiang   3561.00 409.30 1998.74 1767.79 230.95 1152.96 10.68 14.46 239.10 350.20 33.74 108.16 118.12 47.90 86.70 18.51 97.40 27.99 11.5 56.1 32.4 109.3 108.0 109.8 108.8 9349
  Shanghai       4950.84 85.50 2355.53 2121.19 234.34 2509.81 4.83 9.36 344.85 550.35 619.99 316.85 272.06 71.86 164.03 65.71 79.48 10.44 1.7 47.6 50.7 110.2 103.0 112.0 108.7 37382
  Jiangsu        9511.91 1082.43 4907.46 4270.90 636.56 3522.02 42.05 27.06 644.87 955.07 450.64 393.75 308.83 104.13 249.94 37.53 267.08 41.07 11.4 51.6 37.0 110.2 103.9 111.0 111.1 12922
  Zhejiang       6748.15 695.15 3459.75 3106.29 353.46 2593.25 7.11 7.84 503.68 908.83 243.94 146.31 277.35 109.03 198.20 21.95 149.56 19.45 10.3 51.3 38.4 110.5 104.8 111.0 111.5 14655
  Anhui          3290.13 750.07 1415.32 1191.62 223.70 1124.74 10.70 12.46 195.30 340.80 106.50 126.44 110.72 41.08 86.00 9.70 78.20 6.84 22.8 43.0 34.2 108.6 102.7 110.5 110.4 5221
  Fujian         4253.68 651.11 1904.21 1645.34 258.87 1698.36 6.84 6.79 468.49 411.51 201.52 128.52 179.57 47.07 114.84 13.27 109.98 9.96 15.3 44.8 39.9 109.0 103.5 110.7 109.3 12362
  Jiangxi        2175.68 506.00 788.12 595.55 192.57 881.56 8.51 8.41 216.10 192.06 92.70 114.84 54.45 22.33 63.10 6.74 92.09 10.23 23.3 36.2 40.5 108.8 104.2 112.9 107.9 5221
  Shandong       9438.31 1359.49 4654.51 4092.24 562.27 3424.31 23.18 23.21 668.49 891.34 465.38 376.26 218.14 133.64 249.32 34.50 301.72 39.13 14.4 49.3 36.3 110.1 104.2 111.3 110.7 10465
  Henan          5640.11 1234.34 2659.04 2279.89 379.15 1746.73 6.70 31.60 442.07 422.14 128.13 171.71 128.98 71.84 135.88 18.20 175.65 13.83 21.9 47.1 31.0 109.1 105.5 109.9 110.4 5924
  Hubei          4662.28 692.17 2313.66 2066.47 247.19 1656.45 6.38 9.73 282.45 473.35 232.78 106.46 175.43 79.08 117.44 30.11 141.95 1.29 14.8 49.6 35.5 109.1 102.5 110.2 110.4 7813
  Hunan          3983.00 825.73 1573.00 1309.50 263.50 1584.27 9.30 15.23 294.90 382.40 143.16 108.00 91.98 85.60 170.20 17.90 241.35 24.25 20.7 39.5 39.8 109.0 104.0 110.3 110.5 6054
  Guangdong      10647.71 1004.35 5341.61 4732.41 609.20 4301.75 21.89 27.76 1073.81 1044.40 369.20 559.66 616.07 118.69 198.23 37.97 189.10 44.99 9.4 50.2 40.4 109.6 102.3 110.4 110.5 13730
  Guangxi        2231.19 562.52 791.85 648.19 143.66 876.82 5.66 4.88 187.66 295.15 25.76 60.83 66.75 38.99 82.52 7.96 83.58 17.08 25.2 35.5 39.3 108.2 103.4 108.1 111.8 4668
  Hainan         545.96 201.79 111.25 71.59 39.66 232.92 1.07 2.92 50.76 72.58 34.12 10.12 25.49 5.54 16.10 1.66 12.19 0.37 37.0 20.4 42.7 108.9 109.7 108.7 108.3 7135
  Chongqing      1749.77 293.03 727.66 576.58 151.08 729.08 5.70 2.83 109.48 167.84 73.36 60.47 114.62 27.91 62.46 31.61 71.74 1.06 16.7 41.6 41.7 109.0 102.2 111.8 109.1 5654
  Sichuan        4421.76 981.68 1756.86 1407.81 349.05 1683.22 18.05 14.11 313.78 474.79 186.34 131.55 150.18 64.79 147.97 28.32 140.18 13.16 22.2 39.7 38.1 109.2 102.2 112.3 110.5 5250
  Guizhou        1084.90 274.17 419.74 335.00 84.74 390.99 4.32 2.71 75.37 84.08 34.53 33.19 28.96 23.39 46.58 4.14 48.13 5.59 25.3 38.7 36.0 108.8 101.1 111.0 112.6 2895
  Yunnan         2074.71 450.54 881.49 723.98 157.51 742.68 10.79 6.04 139.01 202.22 72.45 79.57 44.28 40.14 74.60 11.40 55.49 6.69 21.7 42.5 35.8 106.5 103.9 104.3 110.9 4866
  Tibet          138.73 37.47 32.18 10.84 21.34 69.08 2.18 2.33 4.79 16.59 3.22 2.55 4.28 4.67 9.22 0.92 18.23 0.10 27.0 23.2 49.8 112.8 103.1 117.6 116.6 5307
  Shaanxi        1844.27 287.24 816.34 606.12 210.22 740.69 6.93 12.90 188.91 124.73 31.15 41.48 71.06 27.42 83.92 17.88 80.45 53.86 15.6 44.3 40.2 109.1 102.5 109.9 111.0 5024
  Gansu          1072.51 207.05 481.07 356.51 124.56 384.39 5.59 10.91 56.55 123.04 57.53 27.44 17.08 13.09 25.60 10.50 26.57 10.49 19.3 44.9 35.8 109.4 107.5 110.1 109.4 4163
  Qinghai        300.95 42.79 132.18 89.20 42.98 125.98 1.95 4.39 23.11 23.06 15.27 4.34 7.79 5.03 14.56 1.77 23.05 1.66 14.2 43.9 41.9 112.0 105.8 115.5 110.6 5735
  Ningxia        298.38 49.57 134.37 102.23 32.14 114.44 1.80 2.77 22.95 23.45 14.72 7.65 6.70 4.81 12.65 1.66 10.81 4.47 16.6 45.0 38.4 110.1 106.3 111.2 110.5 5340
  Xinjiang       1485.48 288.12 630.37 450.00 180.37 566.99 7.67 15.12 118.60 128.16 48.88 19.19 53.28 21.58 59.46 5.45 83.31 6.29 19.4 42.4 38.2 108.1 102.8 108.7 110.6 7913