Explanatory Notes on Main Statistical Indicators |
Forest Area
refers to the area of
forest land where trees and bamboo grow with canopy density above 0.3,including land of natural woods and planted woods, but excluding bush land and thin forest land. It reflects the total areas of afforestation. Forest Coverage-rate refers to the ratio of area of afforested land to total land area.This indicator shows the forest resources and afforestation progress of a country or a region.According to regulations of the government, in addition to afforested land,the area of bush
forest, the area of forest land inside farm land and the area of trees
planted by the side of farm houses and along the roads, rivers and fields
should also be included in the area of afforested land in the calculation
of the forest coverage-rate. The formula for calculating forest coveragerate is as follows: Forestry coverage-rate(%) = (Area of Afforested Land /Area of Total Land)*100% Total Standing Stock Volume refers to the total stock volume of trees growing in land,including trees in forest, tress in sparse forest, scattered
trees and trees planted by the side of farm houses and along the roads,
rivers and fields. Stock Volume of Forest refers to total stock volume of wood growing in forest area,which shows the total size and level of forest resources of a country or a region. Grass Land
refers to prairies,
grasslands on the slopes,and grass-mountains
pastoral and agricultural areas used for herding and grass growing with vegetation coverage above 5%,including natural,planted or improved grasslands. Inland Water Area refers to water area of rivers,lakes,ponds,reservoir,etc. Ensured Mineral Reserves refer to the actual mineral reserves, which equal to the proven mineral reserves (including industrial reserves and prospective reserves) minus extracted parts and underground losses. This indicator shows the current condition of the mineral resources of a country. |