20-38 Basic
Statistics on National Scientific and Technological Activities |
Item |
1995 |
1996 |
1997 |
1998 |
Number of Scientific Technological Research
Institutions |
24985 |
23610 |
22531 |
22151 |
# in Research Institutions |
7721 |
7636 |
7558 |
7496 |
In Large and Medium Industrial Enterprises |
13107 |
12033 |
11142 |
10926 |
In Institutes of Higher Education |
3431 |
3398 |
3343 |
3241 |
Number of Persons Engaged in Scientific and Technological
Activities (10 000 persons) |
262.5 |
290.3 |
288.6 |
281.4 |
# Scientists and Engineers |
155.4 |
168.7 |
166.6 |
149 |
Funding for Scientific and Technological
Activities (100 million yuan) |
962.5 |
1043.2 |
1181.9 |
1289.8 |
# Funds Self-raised |
425.2 |
434.4 |
527.4 |
655.1 |
Bank Loans |
127.1 |
149.8 |
155.2 |
171 |
Expenditures for Scientific and Technological
Activities (100 million yuan) |
845.2 |
930.7 |
1063 |
1128.5 |
# Service Fees |
177.1 |
184.9 |
209.4 |
236.2 |
Purchases of Fixed Assets |
241.1 |
269.1 |
293.4 |
304.6 |
# Research and Development Expenses |
349 |
404.7 |
481.9 |
520.3 |
Proportion of Research and Development
Expenses to GNP |
0.6 |
0.6 |
0.65 |
0.69 |
a)Data in this
table include the data of enterprises or institutions of constructure,
transportation, post and communications,
agriculture, geology and water conservancy industy.
Data of previous years has been adjusted according to the same
standard. |