Unit:USD 10 000 |
Item |
Balance |
Credit |
Debit |
Current Account |
2932351 |
21783386 |
18851035 |
Good |
4661352 |
18352915 |
13691563 |
Exports |
18352915 |
18352915 |
0 |
Imports |
-13691563 |
0 |
13691563 |
Service |
-492474 |
2405993 |
2898467 |
Transportation |
-661026 |
246442 |
907468 |
Tourism |
339630 |
1260174 |
920544 |
Communication Service |
61143 |
81891 |
20748 |
Construction Service |
-52561 |
59412 |
111973 |
Insurance Service |
-137371 |
38441 |
175812 |
Financial Service |
-13647 |
2696 |
16343 |
Computer and Information Service |
-19946 |
13350 |
33296 |
Fee for Patent or Royalty |
-35697 |
6269 |
41966 |
Consultation |
-24017 |
51797 |
75814 |
Advertisement and Publicity |
-5405 |
21096 |
26500 |
Movies and Audio-video Products |
-2366 |
1536 |
3903 |
Other Commercial Service |
77644 |
621228 |
543584 |
Government Service not Elsewhere Classified |
-18855 |
1661 |
20517 |
Income and Profit |
-1664371 |
558414 |
2222785 |
Compensation of Staff and Workers |
-10740 |
9653 |
20392 |
Profit from Investment |
-1653631 |
548761 |
2202392 |
Current Transfer |
427845 |
466065 |
38220 |
Governments |
9066 |
18298 |
9232 |
Other Departments |
418778 |
447767 |
28988 |
Capital and Finance Account |
-632144 |
8932679 |
9564823 |
Capital Account |
-4683 |
0 |
4683 |
Financial Account |
-627461 |
8932679 |
9560140 |
Direct Investments |
4111808 |
4564499 |
452692 |
Chinese Direct Investments Abroad |
-263381 |
18224 |
281605 |
Foreign Direct Investments in China |
4375189 |
4546275 |
171086 |
Securities |
-373264 |
189925 |
563189 |
Assets |
-383001 |
3505 |
386506 |
Capital Securities |
9737 |
186420 |
176683 |
Debt Securities |
-4366004 |
4178255 |
8544259 |
Liabilities |
-3504078 |
763076 |
4267155 |
Capital Securities |
-2209184 |
0 |
2209184 |
Debt Securities |
-141135 |
25250 |
166385 |
Other Investments |
63849 |
162605 |
98756 |
Assets |
-1217609 |
575221 |
1792830 |
Trade Credit |
-861926 |
3415179 |
4277105 |
Loans |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Currencies and Deposits |
-326718 |
2545046 |
2871764 |
Other Assets |
-528764 |
17588 |
546352 |
Liabilities |
-6444 |
852545 |
858988 |
Trade Credit |
-1657607 |
0 |
0 |
Loans |
-642600 |
0 |
642600 |
Currencies and Deposits |
0 |
0 |
0 |
Other Liabilities |
-7400 |
0 |
7400 |
Net Error and Omission |
-128300 |
0 |
128300 |
Reserve Assets |
Gold Reserves |
-506900 |
0 |
506900 |
Foreign Exchange |
0 |
0 |
0 |
SDR (Special Drawing Rights) |
China's Reserve in IMF (International Monetary Fund) |
data in the table are from customs statistics. |
data on direct investment in the table are from statistics and from
"Approved Leasing of Land" in |
reporting ,both collected by the Ministry of Foreign Trade and Economic
Cooperation, and debit data |
from indirect reporting. |
data in the table are from indirect reporting. |