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  • 21.  Purchasing Managers Index for July 2023 2023.08.01 09:30:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 22.  omic Added Value Was Equivalent to 17.36 Percent of GDP in 2022... 2023.07.29 09:30:00 s, the same below), 1.2 percentage points higher than the growth rate of Gross Domestic Product (GDP) in the same period at current prices; the proportion equivalent to GDP was 17.36 percent, an in...
  • 23.  iminary Accounting Results of GDP for the Second Quarter and Fi... 2023.07.19 09:30:00 ethod of national economic accounting, the main results of the preliminary accounting of China's GDP in the second quarter and first half of 2023 (hereinafter referred to as GDP) are as follows:  ...
  • 24.  National Economy Showed Good Momentum of Recovery in the Fir... 2023.07.17 10:00:00 momentum of recovery.      According to preliminary estimates, the gross domestic product (GDP) in the first half year reached 59,303.4 billion yuan, up by 5.5 percent year on year at constan...
  • 25.  Purchasing Managers Index for June 2023 2023.07.01 09:30:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 26.  Purchasing Managers Index 2023.06.13 15:34:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 27.  Purchasing Managers Index 2023.06.13 15:34:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 28.  Annual GDP Accounting Instructions of China 2023.06.13 13:21:00   1. Overview on Annual GDP Accounting      1.1 Basic Concepts      Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refers to the final products at market prices produced by all resident units in a count...
  • 29.  Annual GDP Accounting Instructions of China 2023.06.13 13:21:00   1. Overview on Annual GDP Accounting      1.1 Basic Concepts      Gross Domestic Product (GDP) refers to the final products at market prices produced by all resident units in a count...
  • 30.  Purchasing Managers Index for May 2023 2023.06.01 09:30:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 31.  UN World Data Forum 2023 China Plenary Session Held in Hangz... 2023.05.07 08:55:00 n”, “Earth Big Data Driving the Achievement of Sustainable Development Goals”, and “‘Beyond GDP’: Monitoring and Evaluation Indicator System for United Nations Sustainable Development Goals b...
  • 32.  Purchasing Managers Index for April 2023 2023.05.01 09:30:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 33.  iminary Accounting Results of GDP for the First Quarter of 2023... 2023.04.20 09:30:00 ethod of national economic accounting, the main results of the preliminary accounting of China's GDP in the first quarter of 2023 (hereinafter referred to as GDP) are as follows:   Preliminary Ac...
  • 34.  National Economy Made a Good Start in the First Quarter 2023.04.18 10:00:00 omy made a good start.      According to preliminary estimates, the gross domestic product (GDP) in the first quarter reached 28,499.7 billion yuan, up by 4.5 percent year on year at constant ...
  • 35.  Purchasing Managers Index for March 2023 2023.04.01 09:30:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 36.  国家统计局新闻发言人就2023年1-2月份国民经济运行情况答记者问 2023.03.15 16:08:00 国内大循环,要通过扩大国内需求和供给侧结构性改革的有机结合来畅通国内大循环。我国有14亿人口,人均GDP已经超过1万美元,市场潜力非常巨大,人民对美好生活的需要就是未来增长的重要支撑。但是我们也看到,在满...
  • 37.  康义在全国两会“部长通道”答记者问 2023.03.12 17:59:00 判断宏观经济运行,一般是从经济增长、就业、物价、国际收支这四个方面来衡量。2022年,我们实现了3%的GDP增长,GDP总量达到121万亿元,人均GDP达1.27万美元。物价保持基本稳定,去年全年CPI仅上涨2%,保持温和上...
  • 38.  《求是》发表中共国家统计局党组署名文章:我国经济砥砺前行再上... 2023.03.05 09:07:00 水平持续提高,对世界经济增长的贡献位居全球前列。一是经济总量突破120万亿元。2022年,国内生产总值(GDP)达121万亿元,这是继2020年、2021年连续突破100万亿元、110万亿元之后,再次跃上新台阶;按年平均汇率...
  • 39.  Purchasing Managers Index for February 2023 2023.03.02 09:30:00 Their weights are determined by the proportion manufacturing and non-manufacturing industries in GDP.      5. Seasonal adjustment      The purchasing managers’ survey is a monthly survey...
  • 40.  2023年2月中国采购经理指数运行情况 2023.03.01 09:30:00 综合PMI产出指数由制造业生产指数与非制造业商务活动指数加权求和而成,权数分别为制造业和非制造业占GDP的比重。      5、季节调整      采购经理调查是一项月度调查,受季节因素影响,数据波动较大...
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