Appendix 2-1    Territory and Population
Sources:    The World Bank Database. FAO Database.
Country or Area Mid-year Annual Population
Territory   Population Growth Rate(%) Density
  (10 000 (10 000 persons)   (persons/
  World                       13381.6 605671 1.3 45
  Asia                   3174.8 367234 1.3 116
      China              960.0 126743 0.8 132
      Japan                37.8 12687 0.2 336
      India              297.4 100596 1.8 338
      Indonesia            190.5 21042 1.6 110
      Philippines          30.0 7558 1.9 252
      Thailand             51.3 6073 0.8 118
      Malaysia             33.0 2327 2.4 71
      Singapore            0.06 402 1.7 6700
      Pakistan             79.6 13808 2.4 173
      Myanmar              67.7 4775 1.2 71
      Bangladesh           14.4 13105 1.7 910
      Turkey               78.0 6529 1.5 84
      Mongolia             156.7 240 0.8 2
      Korea, D.P.Rep.       12.3 2227 0.4 181
      Korea, Rep.          9.9 4728 0.9 478
      Vietnam             33.0 7852 1.3 238
  Africa                 3031.2 79363 2.4 26
      Egypt                100.2 6398 1.9 64
      Nigeria              92.4 12691 2.4 137
  Europe                 2298.8 72730 -0.1 32
      Germany              35.7 8215 0.1 230
      United Kingdom       24.2 5974 0.4 247
      France               55.2 5889 0.5 107
      Italy                30.1 5769 0.1 192
      Czech Rep.           7.9 1027 -0.1 130
      Poland               31.3 3865 -0.01 123
      Hungary              9.3 1002 -0.5 108
      Romania              23.8 2244 -0.1 94
      Bulgaria             11.1 817 -0.5 74
      Yugoslavia F.R.      10.2 1064 0.1 104
      Russian Fed.         1707.5 14556 -0.5 9
  North America          2239.1 48718 1.2 22
      United States        937.3 28155 1.2 30
      Canada               997.1 3075 0.8 3
      Mexico               196.7 9797 1.4 50
  South America          1783.2 34574 1.5 19
      Brazil               854.7 17041 1.3 20
      Argentina            277.7 3703 1.2 13
  Oceania                853.6 3052 1.3 4
      Australia            768.2 1918 1.1 2
      New Zealand          27.1 383 0.5 14
Note: The data exclude the Antarctic Continent. If included, it would be 149.50 million
           The population of China refers to the population  of the year-end. Excluding Jammu, Kashmir and Sikkim.