Appendix 1-25    Number of Scientists, Engineers and Technicians
and Expenditures for R & D
  Number of Scientists, Engineers and Expenditures for Research As %  of Expenditures
  Technicians Engaged in Research and and Experimental for Research and
Year Experimental Development (Headcount) Development Development
  Total Scientists & Technicians Assistant Total As % of Government Private
    Engineers     (NT $100 GNP    
1991 82436 46173 22844 13419 818 1.70 52.1 47.9
1992 77750 48356 22117 7277 948 1.78 52.2 47.8
1993 90918 54905 23720 12293 1036 1.76 49.5 50.5
1994 95088 58156 24067 12865 1147 1.77 48.2 51.8
1995 105822 66478 25635 13709 1250 1.78 45.9 54.1
1996 116853 71611 28987 16255 1380 1.80 42.7 57.7
1997 129165 76588 34021 18556 1563 1.88 40.8 59.2
1998 129305 83209 30535 15561 1765 1.98 38.3 61.7
1999 134845 87454 31465 15926 1905 2.05 37.9 62.1
2000 137622 87394 33713 16515 1976 2.05 37.5 62.5