23-47    Conditions of Public Health
Item 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001
  Number of Registered Medical Personnel(person)                                   
      Doctors                                       9289 9527 9818 10130 10412
      Dentists                                      1684 1724 1779 1826 1855
      Pharmacists                                   1143 1212 1273 1315 1362
      Nurses                                        37880 39250 38960 40388 42032
  Doctors Per Thousand Population                 1.4 1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5
  Number of Medical Institutions and Hospital Beds                  
      Medical Institutions                (number) 96 102 105 102 99
      Hospital Beds                          (bed) 30800 32836 34286 35100 34852
  Beds Per Thousand Population                 4.7 5.0 5.2 5.2 5.2
Notes: Figures are as at end of the year.
           Statistics on the registered medical personnel are maintained by the Medical Council for doctors, Dental Council for dentists, Nursing Council
               for nurses and Pharmacy and Poisons Board for pharmacists. Annual renewal of practising certificate is required for doctors, dentists and
               pharmacists. Figures for doctors/dentists refer to the doctors/dentists with full registration on both the local and overseas lists. Figures for
               nurses refer to both registered nurses and enrolled nurses.