23-34    Government Expenditure (General Revenue Account and Funds)  
      (HKD 100 million)
Item 1997/1998 1998/1999 1999/2000 2000/2001 2001/2002
  Operating Expenditure                                                              
      Recurrent Expenditure                                                            
          Personal Emoluments                401.14 440.92 464.88 504.97 519.09
          Personnel Related Expenses         43.45 47.08 50.35 51.16 48.70
          Pensions                           92.72 73.95 82.54 93.81 128.99
          Departmental Expenses              80.67 89.35 101.84 129.34 143.66
          Other Charges                      241.39 285.68 295.90 303.55 313.28
          Education                          188.77 210.82 222.82 238.60 251.37
          Health                             240.40 265.62 276.09 282.21 295.46
          Social Welfare                     45.98 54.19 60.65 64.53 69.60
          Universities and Polytechnics       117.92 131.89 137.11 131.31 132.58
          Vocational Training Council        18.06 19.68 21.16 20.39 20.67
          Miscellaneous                      23.36 23.59 25.79 25.35 32.52
      Other Non-recurrent                  111.80 131.29 20.08 21.64 31.51
   Total Operating Expenditure            1605.66 1774.06 1759.21 1866.86 1987.43
   Capital Expenditure                                           
      Plant, Equipment and Works           8.52 7.90 13.72 8.53 9.84
          Education                          4.09 3.22 3.85 4.64 3.98
          Health                             0.17 3.80 4.11 3.71 3.85
          Vocational Training Council        0.21 0.46 0.19 0.67 1.07
          Miscellaneous                      6.18 7.06 1.39 1.10 0.70
          Capital Works Reserve Funds   287.72 312.67 294.90 305.77 303.30
          Capital Investment Fund            1.19 205.45 85.10 81.02 3.05
             (Equity Investments)              
          Loan Fund                       29.48 78.56 65.80 53.10 72.77
          Disaster Relief Fund             0.38 0.38 0.32 0.43 0.08
          Innovation and Technology Fund - - 1.84 3.10 2.83
   Total Capital Expenditure and Equity   337.94 619.50 471.22 462.07 401.47
   Total Government Expenditure and 1943.60 2393.56 2230.43 2328.93 2388.90
     Equity Investments                                                                
Note:  The Innovation and Technology Fund was established on 30 June 1999 by Resolution of the Legislative Council to finance projects to
               help promote innovation and technology upgrading in manufacturing and service industries.