23-28    Position and Flow of Inward Direct Investment
by Major Investor Country/Territory
        (HKD 100 million)
  Inward Direct Investment at Market Value
Major Investor
Country/Territory Position at end of year Inflow in year
  1998 1999 2000 1998 1999 2000
 British Virgin Islands 5426 9247 11314 303 488 2384
 The Mainland of China 2137 8148 11122 202 386 1107
 Bermuda 2020 2806 3404 207 246 369
 Netherlands 1245 2070 2248 132 243 74
 United States 1155 1705 1615 66 191 188
 Japan 1088 1115 1132 6 67 251
 Singapore 433 1431 983 5 59 602
 Cayman Islands 862 993 902 53 13 111
 United Kingdom 1534 1961 555 83 20 -415
 Panama 162 206 268 8 14 4
 Others 1378 1814 1969 79 179 147
 Total 17440 31498 35513 1144 1908 4822
Note: Country/territory here refers to the immediate source economy.  It does not necessarily reflect the country/territory in which the funds are
              initially mobilised.