22-8    The Disposal of Labor Disputes (2001)          
  Total   Urban Rural Foreign Funded and Private Joint Owned   State  
Item   State-owned Collective- Collective Hong Kong, Macao Enterprises and Individual Organs Others
    Enterprises owned Owned and Taiwan Chinese   Share Holding Economy and  
      Enterprises Enterprises Funded Enterprises   Enterprises   Institutions  
  Number of  Cases Left Over from Last Period   (case) 8739 2296 1654 205 1091 1230 1372 223 424 244
  Cases Accepted                                    
     Number of Cases                                                      (case) 154621 42873 25550 2432 20174 23925 26060 6420 4182 3005
       Number of Cases Appealed by Units                        7840 2315 1457 124 951 1025 1550 190 175 53
       Number of Cases Appealed by Laborers                  146781 40337 24093 2308 19223 22900 24521 6230 4007 3162
           Number of Collective Labour Disputes                    9847 3217 1735 139 1267 1274 1631 193 201 190
       Number of Persons Involved                       (person) 467150 154641 34774 5229 23907 63142 70878 11662 7100 95817
           Number of Persons Involved in Collective Disputes 286680 110936 44702 3424 52727 30896 38450 2710 2223 612
    Cause of the Disputes                                                (case)  
        Labour Remuneration 45172 9638 7009 693 6227 9104 7845 2440 922 1294
        Social Insurance and Welfare 31158 9961 5718 525 3298 4429 4443 942 990 852
        Labour Protecting 18171 3471 2903 350 2309 4315 2971 1288 314 250
        Occupation Training 1254 330 89 76 376 119 220 19 21 4
        Change the Labour Contract 4254 1777 1004 113 243 167 593 146 108 103
        Relieve the Labour Contract 29038 9579 4715 293 4685 2390 4980 801 1006 589
        End the Labour Contract 10298 3383 1785 286 1161 851 1636 192 384 620
        Others 15276 3344 2327 96 1875 2550 3372 592 437 683
  Number of Cases Settled                           (case) 150279 39033 24046 2323 18088 22475 22100 6013 3840 12361
      by Manners of Settlement                            
         by Mediation                                     42933 11108 7103 964 4844 6757 6575 2072 1086 2424
         by Arbitration Lawsuit                           72250 18923 11824 1086 8952 9557 10981 2360 1677 6890
         Others                                           35096 9002 5119 273 4292 6161 4544 1581 1077 3047
     by Result of Settlement                             
         Won by Units                                     31544 6890 3809 345 3180 2340 4880 857 594 8649
         Lawsuit Won by Laborers                         71739 18751 11269 1464 8702 11837 9850 3106 1760 5000
         Lawsuit Partly by Both Parties                   46996 11013 8968 514 6206 8298 7370 2050 1486 1091
  Number of Cases  Dissettled                                  (case) 13081 2136 1158 314 3177 2680 1006 630 766 1214
  Number of the Arbitrated Cases through            63969 14108 9796 531 12339 10461 10072 4883 1198 581
    Other Forms                                                           (case)  
  Mediated by Units                                 
      Number of Cases Accepted                                        (case) 6374 2725 595 255 104 1589 991 63 29 23
      Number of Cases Successful Mediated                        (case) 5825 2611 535 209 93 1435 853 46 24 19