20-76    Basic Statistics on Scientific and Technological Activities Outputs of Large
and Medium-sized Industrial Enterprises in High-tech Industry(2001)
                    (10 000 yuan)
      Total     Profits        
Industry Gross New  Revenue New   from the New Patent   Patent
  Value of Products from the Products Export Sale of Products Applications Invention Owned
  Industrial Output   Sale of Products     Products   (item)   (item)
 Medical and Pharmaceutical Products 12792400 2204413 12844415 2021179 167246 2549527 481072 735 152 308
      Original Chemical Medicine 4153402 774243 4363062 700141 124486 722351 185887 112 56 51
      Chemical Medicine Preparation 4240477 685147 4128304 603139 10417 852996 120421 102 42 87
      Biology, Biochemistry Products 1002479 148200 872272 154711 24234 188832 46245 18 7 24
  Aviation and Aircrafts Manufacturing 4553423 1026690 4314562 960797 134428 723905 110122 99 24 105
  Electron and Communicate Equipments 53261581 19582818 52220694 18780625 4240727 5396994 1197112 1679 902 828
      Communicate Equipments 24828257 8735020 24965247 8731802 1749259 3248714 832295 969 775 578
      Radar Equipments 458005 144405 395593 115442 1565 83200 13723 42 6 10
      Broadcast and Television Equipments 76601 12992 80350 14414 10 13557 2751 1 0 8
      Electronic Parts 6776091 1508701 6466475 1392186 295407 623138 -26299 125 25 36
      Electronic Organs 6754223 1768470 6614112 1740331 1186213 677280 137567 99 20 43
      Household Audiovisual 13240452 7255469 12607991 6636713 985421 575005 216865 402 65 138
      Other Electron Equipment 1127952 157761 1090927 149738 22852 176100 20210 41 11 15
  Electronic Computers and Office Equipments 14414738 6146779 15540968 6297568 2457322 872775 263351 566 78 115
      Electronic Computer 6027940 2319275 6336265 2484007 436334 299528 61225 308 67 80
      Electronic Computer Peripheral Equipments 7204666 3703778 7961704 3706555 1976376 474882 192072 246 11 31
  Medical Treatment Instrument and Meter 2948768 619055 2944364 702453 78848 590625 125095 308 67 197
      Medical Treatment Equipments and Instruments 860484 129563 849329 126001 12994 152583 26816 52 9 105
      Instruments and Meters 2088284 489492 2095036 576452 65854 438042 98279 256 58 92