20-17    Percentage of Graduates of Junior Secondary Schools and  
Primary Schools Entering Higher Level Schools,  
Percentage of School-Age Children Enrolled  
  Percentage of Graduates of Junior Percentage of Graduates of Primary Percentage of School-age  
  Secondary Schools Entering Senior Schools Entering Junior Secondary Children Enrolled  
  Secondary Schools Schools        
Year     Percentage     Percentage        
  Graduates Students of Graduates Graduates Students of Graduates        
  of Junior Entering of Junior of Entering of Primary School-Age School-Age Enrollment  
  Secondary Senior Secondary Primary Junior Schools Children Children Rate  
  Schools Secondary Schools Schools Secondary Entering   Enrolled    
    Schools Entering   Schools Junior   in Schools    
  (10 000 (10 000 Senior Secon- (10 000 (10 000 Secondary (10 000 (10 000 (%)  
  persons) persons) dary Schools persons) persons) Schools persons) persons)    
1978 1692.6 692.9 40.9 2287.9 2006.0 87.7 12131.3 11585.4 95.5  
1980 964.7 442.8 45.9 2053.3 1557.6 75.9 12219.6 11478.2 93.9  
1985 998.3 416.2 41.7 1999.9 1367.0 68.4 10362.3 9942.8 96.0  
1986 1057.0 429.2 40.6 2016.1 1402.0 69.5 10067.5 9702.1 96.4  
1987 1117.3 437.0 39.1 2043.0 1410.9 69.1 9750.9 9477.2 97.2  
1988 1157.2 439.6 38.0 1930.3 1359.0 70.4 9623.9 9351.4 97.2  
1989 1134.3 434.6 38.3 1857.1 1328.4 71.5 9699.1 9450.7 97.4  
1990 1109.1 450.4 40.6 1863.1 1389.2 74.6 9740.7 9529.7 97.8  
1991 1085.5 462.9 42.6 1896.7 1435.1 75.7 9806.6 9594.8 97.8  
1992 1102.3 478.1 43.4 1872.4 1491.7 79.7 11156.2 10845.5 97.2  
1993 1134.2 500.5 44.1 1841.5 1505.6 81.8 11432.0 11170.9 97.7  
1994 1166.4 541.1 46.4 1899.6 1644.9 86.6 11949.6 11758.2 98.4  
1995 1244.3 601.6 48.3 1961.5 1781.1 90.8 12375.4 12192.5 98.5  
1996 1297.8 633.4 48.8 1934.1 1791.4 92.6 12876.5 12723.3 98.8  
1997 1463.3 721.6 44.3 1960.1 1836.5 93.7 13346.7 13202.5 98.9  
1998 1603.1 812.2 50.7 2117.4 1996.3 94.3 13369.3 13226.8 98.9  
1999 1613.9 807.0 50.0 2313.7 2183.4 94.4 12991.4 12872.8 99.1  
2000 1633.5 834.6 51.1 2419.2 2295.6 94.9 12445.3 12333.9 99.1  
2001 1731.5 916.0 52.9 2396.9 2287.9 95.5 10673.5 10572.1 99.1  
a) The number of the graduates of junior secondary schools since 1994 has included the graduates of vocational schools.