20-5    Number of Students Enrollment by Level and Type of School
  (10 000 persons)
  Regular Secondary                    
  Institutions Schools Specialized Technical Teacher Regular Senior Junior Vocational Primary Special Kinder-
Year of Higher   Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools Schools gartens
  Education   Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools      
1978 85.6 6637.2 88.9 52.9 36.0 6548.3 1553.1 4995.2 14624.0 3.1 787.7
1980 114.4 5677.8 124.3 76.1 48.2 5508.1 969.8 4538.3 45.4 14627.0 3.3 1150.8
1985 170.3 5092.6 157.1 100.9 56.2 4706.0 741.1 3964.8 229.5 13370.2 4.2 1479.7
1986 188.0 5321.6 175.7 114.6 61.1 4889.9 773.4 4116.6 256.0 13182.5 4.7 1629.0
1987 195.9 5403.1 187.4 122.3 65.1 4948.1 773.7 4174.4 267.6 12835.9 5.3 1807.8
1988 206.6 5246.1 205.2 136.8 68.3 4761.5 746.0 4015.5 279.4 12535.8 5.8 1854.5
1989 208.2 5054.0 217.7 149.3 68.5 4554.0 716.1 3837.9 282.3 12373.1 6.4 1847.7
1990 206.3 5105.4 224.4 156.7 67.7 4586.0 717.3 3868.7 295.0 12241.4 7.2 1972.2
1991 204.4 5226.8 227.7 161.6 66.1 4683.5 722.9 3960.6 315.6 12164.2 8.5 2209.3
1992 218.4 5354.4 240.8 174.3 66.6 4770.8 704.9 4065.9 342.8 12201.3 13.0 2428.2
1993 253.6 5383.7 282.0 209.8 72.2 4739.1 656.9 4082.2 362.6 12421.2 16.9 2552.5
1994 279.9 5707.1 319.8 241.4 78.4 4981.7 664.9 4316.7 405.6 12822.6 21.1 2630.3
1995 290.6 6191.5 372.2 287.4 84.8 5371.0 713.2 4657.8 448.3 13195.2 29.6 2711.2
1996 302.1 6635.7 422.8 334.8 88.0 5739.7 769.3 4970.4 473.3 13615.0 32.1 2666.3
1997 317.4 6995.2 465.4 374.3 91.1 6017.9 850.1 5167.8 511.9 13995.4 34.1 2519.0
1998 340.9 7340.7 498.1 406.0 92.1 6301.0 938.0 5363.0 541.6 13953.8 35.8 2403.0
1999 413.4 8002.7 515.5 425.0 90.5 6771.3 1049.7 5721.6 533.9 13548.0 37.2 2326.3
2000 556.1 8518.5 489.5 412.5 77.0 7368.9 1201.3 6167.6 503.2 13013.3 37.8 2244.2
2001 719.1 8896.0 458.0 391.7 66.2 7836.0 1405.0 6431.1 466.4 12543.5 38.6 2021.8