20-2    Number of Schools by Level and Type of School
  Regular Secondary             Vocational Primary   Kinder-
Year Institutions Schools Specialized Technical Teacher Regular Senior Junior Secondary Schools Special gartens
  of Higher   Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Secondary Schools   Schools  
  Education   Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools Schools        
1978 598 165105 2760 1714 1046 162345 49215 113130 949323 292 163952
1980 675 124760 3069 2052 1017 118377 31300 87077 3314 917316 292 170419
1985 1016 104848 3557 2529 1028 93221 17318 75903 8070 832309 375 172262
1986 1054 104936 3782 2741 1041 92967 17111 75856 8187 820846 423 173376
1987 1063 105151 3913 2854 1059 92857 16930 75927 8381 807406 504 176775
1988 1075 104468 4022 2957 1065 91492 16524 74968 8954 793261 577 171845
1989 1075 102732 3984 2940 1044 89575 16050 73525 9173 777244 662 172634
1990 1075 100777 3982 2956 1026 87631 15678 71953 9164 766072 746 172322
1991 1075 99348 3925 2977 948 85851 15243 70608 9572 729158 886 164465
1992 1053 97784 3903 2984 919 84021 14850 69171 9860 712973 1077 172506
1993 1065 96744 3964 3046 918 82795 14380 68415 9985 696681 1123 165197
1994 1080 96562 3987 3093 894 82358 14242 68116 10217 682588 1241 174657
1995 1054 95216 4049 3152 897 81020 13991 67029 10147 668685 1379 180438
1996 1032 94115 4099 3206 893 79967 13875 66092 10049 645983 1428 187324
1997 1020 92832 4143 3251 892 78642 13880 64762 10047 628840 1440 182485
1998 1022 92071 4109 3234 875 77888 13948 63940 10074 609626 1535 181368
1999 1071 95255 3962 3147 815 77213 14127 63086 9636 582291 1520 181136
2000 1041 93629 3646 2963 683 77268 14564 62704 8849 553622 1539 175836
2001 1225 95040 3260 2690 570 80432 14907 65525 7802 491273 1531 111706
a) Number of secondary schools since 1999 include various technical schools and schools for juvenile delinquents. The same as in the following table.