19-4    Money Supply at the Year-end
    (100 million yuan)
Year Money and Quasi-Money (M2) Money (M1) Currency in Circulation (M0)
1990 15293.4 6950.7 2644.4
1991 19349.9 8633.3 3177.8
1992 25402.2 11731.5 4336.0
1993 34879.8 16280.4 5864.7
1994 46923.5 20540.7 7288.6
1995 60750.5 23987.1 7885.3
1996 76094.9 28514.8 8802.0
1997 90995.3 34826.3 10177.6
1998 104498.5 38953.7 11204.2
1999 119897.9 45837.2 13455.5
2000 134610.3 53147.2 14652.7
2001 158301.9 59871.6 15688.8
a) The statistics coverage of the table before 1992 is according to China national bank
     and rural credit union, and that since 1992 is according to Banking Survey.