13-13    Main Indicators of Foreign Funded Enterprises by Industrial Sector (2001)    
                                      (100 million yuan)
  Number Gross Value- Total Total Circulating Annual Average Original Annual Average Liquid Long-term Creditors' Sales Cost of Tax and Sales Sales Total Tax Payable
Sector of Industrial added of Capital Balance of Value of Balance of
  Enterprises Output Industry Hold Assets Funds Circulating Fixed Net Value of Liabilities Liabilities Equity Revenue Sales Extra Charges Profit Profits
  (unit) Value     Funds Assets Fixed Assets
        National Total                              31423 27220.91 7128.11 10256.78 28354.46 14029.75 13750.96 16700.30 11111.58 12466.43 2935.75 12794.29 26022.08 21677.74 134.78 2970.08 1442.95 867.13
    Coal Mining and Dressing                       16 14.57 4.42 6.53 24.16 11.36 10.78 13.22 10.22 10.77 1.40 11.99 16.71 6.72 0.13 1.80 0.65 1.02
    Petroleum and Natural Gas Extraction           3 209.67 104.00 62.57 101.64 21.54 20.56 60.88 57.59 5.16 0.01 96.47 104.51 48.25 5.88 50.28 45.89 6.11
    Ferrous Metals Mining and Dressing             9 1.66 0.51 0.75 1.36 0.77 0.73 0.57 0.33 0.49 0.00 0.81 1.64 1.34 0.01 0.21 0.10 0.07
    Nonferrous Metals Mining and Dressing          17 4.75 2.33 1.46 5.21 3.61 3.46 1.43 0.83 3.15 0.50 1.52 4.76 3.84 0.01 0.73 0.41 0.13
    Nonmetal Minerals Mining and Dressing          73 15.94 4.43 8.86 18.56 7.84 7.73 10.29 7.11 7.16 2.29 9.10 14.97 10.96 0.14 1.77 0.38 0.50
    Logging and Transport of Timber and Bamboo     
    Food Processing                                1244 976.72 217.07 265.75 732.66 376.32 365.06 408.63 276.46 404.32 48.12 274.15 940.49 846.20 0.98 59.19 19.75 15.28
    Food Manufacturing                             922 655.73 188.16 336.68 692.57 319.46 320.19 437.08 293.12 318.37 53.99 310.64 635.48 467.36 1.51 76.48 33.48 35.67
    Beverage Manufacturing                         441 545.80 181.02 368.16 777.18 302.26 314.04 547.32 376.81 331.36 72.55 370.37 527.79 340.39 21.13 66.80 25.58 36.62
    Tobacco Processing                             6 11.70 6.42 10.21 17.71 9.85 9.63 13.10 7.68 4.74 0.44 12.53 12.19 7.55 1.63 2.76 1.59 1.22
    Textile Industry                               2301 1230.82 308.21 539.04 1343.18 659.77 661.10 839.26 540.59 636.89 107.20 589.29 1135.40 1018.76 2.22 88.95 33.29 27.68
    Garments and Other Fiber Products              3348 1194.50 319.45 301.40 836.96 518.06 508.00 375.40 238.53 419.88 26.65 380.65 1129.98 975.63 2.40 110.40 43.70 27.67
    Leather, Furs, Down and Related Products       1406 856.85 209.91 171.05 530.67 338.18 329.17 233.21 146.80 312.60 16.63 196.63 777.08 704.35 1.37 52.30 15.67 17.09
    Timber Processing, Bamboo, Cane, Palm Fiber and 591 213.19 52.23 106.87 273.74 125.04 122.85 163.17 120.95 125.49 36.11 110.51 200.28 175.34 0.68 15.52 3.25 6.68
        Straw Products                               
    Furniture Manufacturing                        480 198.80 53.98 65.07 191.23 111.19 102.38 85.49 56.17 96.21 6.32 82.58 190.82 162.45 0.48 18.91 7.59 4.98
    Papermaking and Paper Products                 740 569.42 147.51 320.27 961.65 361.01 384.51 636.28 486.87 385.10 208.97 366.22 555.87 458.36 0.61 68.18 24.29 23.09
    Printing and Record Medium Reproduction        509 243.23 80.37 140.04 387.87 173.31 174.12 258.74 133.34 184.04 19.32 183.58 234.77 187.69 0.20 40.28 24.27 11.79
    Cultural, Educational and Sports Goods         919 408.17 111.22 130.66 338.10 205.65 203.62 156.86 100.21 157.43 8.23 165.25 388.63 339.98 0.49 38.10 13.52 6.33
    Petroleum Processing and Coking                106 418.47 94.19 120.87 407.86 114.92 133.51 332.24 187.69 149.08 57.01 201.42 417.95 374.83 9.59 22.40 1.34 17.98
    Raw Chemical Materials and Chemical Products   1694 1372.47 375.60 623.28 1551.51 737.34 735.88 901.89 622.44 633.72 154.10 752.24 1308.95 983.83 9.09 174.47 63.72 62.25
    Medical and Pharmaceutical Products            568 453.25 172.10 198.16 580.27 318.92 303.96 249.17 174.00 257.54 46.22 274.65 422.55 239.88 1.25 84.40 38.79 34.53
    Chemical Fiber                                 205 226.28 58.69 137.11 332.78 101.69 99.51 264.49 178.68 122.10 59.86 147.56 201.20 176.34 0.20 20.62 8.18 7.52
    Rubber Products                                357 310.89 91.93 160.07 439.33 200.01 195.73 262.64 199.81 211.69 56.94 170.25 291.83 235.64 5.35 34.86 12.67 11.53
    Plastic Products                               2092 934.59 248.12 437.25 1045.05 522.28 518.74 622.46 419.23 446.33 73.63 509.21 897.57 767.00 2.19 98.52 44.76 24.77
    Nonmetal Mineral Products                      1553 768.11 234.73 563.66 1292.47 496.08 481.64 877.26 599.57 484.40 202.65 593.40 709.39 578.11 2.15 92.11 30.05 29.45
    Smelting and Pressing of Ferrous Metals        215 464.15 96.37 172.45 505.06 205.32 201.80 342.75 252.20 229.79 68.48 206.64 444.67 400.57 0.26 36.27 14.75 15.12
    Smelting and Pressing of Nonferrous Metals     300 286.13 53.78 124.15 308.04 147.04 138.24 175.15 124.14 149.72 39.34 117.93 267.05 242.81 0.26 18.90 3.98 5.46
    Metal Products                                 1902 1017.45 251.23 451.77 1116.39 593.17 576.77 609.13 417.99 542.16 74.45 493.34 971.16 824.02 2.49 98.77 41.61 26.02
    Ordinary Machinery                             1191 771.91 232.44 446.06 1033.50 577.99 559.42 504.98 334.92 430.88 56.38 543.54 727.56 577.36 0.91 115.13 48.58 28.35
    Special Purpose Equipment                      759 416.98 110.88 177.23 459.79 292.32 277.31 187.39 118.25 215.91 21.47 220.29 407.25 322.42 0.96 62.67 33.66 13.90
    Transport Equipment                            998 2001.84 536.19 736.43 2138.49 1124.01 1055.83 1104.57 752.94 871.11 184.69 1075.70 1961.61 1515.80 51.07 339.50 186.85 92.45
    Electric Equipment and Machinery               1872 1830.64 457.28 666.41 1759.77 995.70 1000.07 863.29 556.64 864.00 73.67 811.88 1723.44 1409.72 2.81 210.29 105.48 53.14
    Electronic and Telecommunications Equipment    2311 6631.27 1403.08 1269.84 4800.35 3094.54 2993.03 1993.33 1286.50 2573.35 249.52 1962.89 6565.10 5831.10 3.65 525.35 328.29 123.36
    Instruments, Meters, Cultural and Office Machinery 570 546.51 119.80 138.87 374.31 254.87 245.54 153.92 90.74 171.89 13.75 187.93 556.54 479.44 0.54 56.65 30.75 9.99
    Production and Supply of Electric Power,       286 900.10 458.82 815.90 2529.80 467.92 454.56 2814.89 1798.61 516.20 869.40 1139.44 788.09 545.39 0.70 237.57 132.57 76.52
        Steam and Hot Water                          
    Production and Supply of Gas                   40 43.47 5.29 23.89 40.66 15.03 19.91 22.65 24.11 17.50 5.00 18.15 47.93 45.56 0.06 1.23 0.80 0.50
    Production and Supply of Tap Water             15 7.32 3.30 14.46 42.10 8.68 7.90 17.17 11.80 9.80 13.54 18.76 7.64 3.84 0.00 3.75 1.94 0.43