13-3    Number of All State-owned and Non-state-owned above Designated Size
  Industrial Enterprises and Their Gross Output Value by Region (2001)
                                                            (unit) (100 million yuan)
Region All States-owned and Non-state-owned State-owned and State-holding Enterprises Collective-owned Share-holding Foreign Enterprises with Funds Enterprises of Enterprises of Large Enterprises Medium-sized Enterprises Small Enterprises
from Hong Kong,
above Designated Size Enterprises Corporation Ltd. Funded Enterprises Macao & Taiwan Light Industry Heavy Industry
  Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value Number of Gross Output Value Number of Gross Output Value   Gross Output Value
Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Number At 1990 At Enterprises At Current Enterprises At 1990 At Number At 1990 At
of Constant Current of Constant Current of Constant Current of Constant Current of Constant Current of Constant Current of Constant Current of Constant Current Constant At 1990 Constant Prices Constant Current of Constant Current
Enterprise Prices Prices Enterprise Prices Prices Enterprise Prices Prices Enterprise Prices Prices Enterprise Prices Prices Enterprises Prices Prices Enterprises Prices Prices Enterprises Prices Prices Prices Prices Prices   Prices Prices Enterprises Prices Prices
  National Total 171256 86772.70 95448.98 46767 34466.50 42408.49 31018 9226.69 10052.49 5692 10039.85 12698.34 13166 17005.69 15373.72 18257 11657.83 11847.18 86705 37205.50 37636.93 84551 49567.20 57812.05 8589 40285.89 44815.99 14398 11716.19 12542.41 148269 34770.62 38090.58
  Beijing       4356 2918.66 2908.82 2173 1839.39 1893.83 755 127.72 139.08 117 229.51 253.64 635 1217.36 967.37 388 443.39 350.66 2138 720.37 717.44 2218 2198.29 2191.38 307 1989.99 1908.06 330 220.10 238.28 3719 708.57 762.47
  Tianjin       5561 2981.20 2940.40 1810 837.10 974.41 1496 325.80 382.23 89 200.39 249.16 926 1449.15 1155.28 424 192.40 210.71 2748 1001.77 942.32 2813 1979.43 1998.09 362 1848.45 1627.22 442 213.70 253.78 4757 919.06 1059.40
  Hebei         7696 3120.03 3766.85 2512 1421.19 1880.67 1849 565.57 627.19 366 326.00 499.26 423 189.57 209.22 337 184.65 215.73 3419 1288.31 1304.93 4277 1831.72 2461.92 348 1097.28 1465.01 742 396.99 468.57 6606 1625.77 1833.27
  Shanxi        3308 1066.81 1396.73 1695 692.02 954.25 685 151.57 177.67 129 73.77 95.42 46 29.22 38.80 55 37.96 35.90 896 162.92 173.94 2412 903.89 1222.80 136 478.79 684.24 222 90.69 105.45 2950 497.34 607.03
  Inner Mongolia 1379 597.52 830.32 681 426.98 633.25 98 14.40 18.05 109 140.13 183.70 50 30.97 42.95 39 20.22 22.96 587 224.38 261.98 792 373.13 568.34 94 285.29 414.43 181 134.39 195.74 1104 177.83 220.14
  Liaoning      5847 3588.33 4480.32 2188 2073.42 2928.95 1100 241.56 265.07 199 534.80 1044.90 754 618.10 683.21 316 207.01 211.46 2153 831.88 810.44 3694 2756.45 3669.89 422 2186.88 2929.19 447 285.16 307.07 4978 1116.29 1244.06
  Jilin         2608 1681.88 1876.65 1392 1321.07 1505.03 410 89.41 98.06 190 313.71 412.57 170 353.51 352.31 75 60.39 60.41 1151 427.16 400.80 1457 1254.72 1475.85 204 1171.24 1305.46 317 163.78 191.85 2087 346.87 379.33
  Heilongjiang  2500 1338.68 2365.44 1328 961.50 1957.20 333 88.22 93.23 138 401.38 1256.46 85 61.91 67.84 62 53.35 46.98 1193 451.92 457.56 1307 886.76 1907.88 281 890.39 1824.69 308 134.17 156.30 1911 314.12 384.45
  Shanghai      9762 7133.87 7003.90 2067 3483.32 3409.72 1579 309.37 363.88 74 464.32 502.90 2096 3513.32 2836.02 1573 1022.32 1068.78 5128 2440.25 2468.49 4634 4693.61 4535.41 681 4518.95 4069.25 673 625.00 658.89 8408 1989.92 2275.76
  Jiangsu       19684 10608.22 11747.83 2075 2812.32 3111.63 3166 1394.92 1545.27 577 1144.34 1267.68 1918 2094.33 2320.07 1683 914.65 1013.24 9703 4545.53 5000.51 9981 6062.68 6747.31 665 3717.38 4180.22 1589 2044.03 2191.44 17430 4846.80 5376.17
  Zhejiang      18626 8377.02 7882.47 1122 979.89 1194.74 1419 871.38 757.37 343 793.63 826.46 1236 909.86 810.27 1479 795.07 721.85 11195 4873.77 4371.82 7431 3503.25 3510.64 297 1661.96 1700.83 852 1326.16 1154.37 17477 5388.91 5027.26
  Anhui         3698 1638.29 1824.64 1013 871.55 1113.23 844 160.20 164.67 199 261.59 305.36 156 154.37 155.54 121 124.50 91.26 1896 724.90 706.98 1802 913.39 1117.67 211 766.64 938.44 421 222.42 239.61 3066 649.23 646.60
  Fujian        6583 2888.19 2945.02 1308 764.84 873.94 698 122.85 136.30 106 195.75 154.25 760 628.26 632.74 2163 1276.27 1189.74 4033 1500.83 1505.61 2550 1387.35 1439.40 358 1428.71 1343.62 556 392.09 431.53 5669 1067.38 1169.86
  Jiangxi       3283 861.60 1016.02 1981 638.00 768.53 283 40.67 45.50 38 41.88 52.52 65 74.54 75.63 112 29.21 31.24 1563 311.60 343.15 1720 550.00 672.87 108 438.85 550.31 281 113.09 112.91 2894 309.66 352.79
  Shandong      12268 8051.12 9377.37 2403 2770.27 3645.14 2824 1977.43 2078.33 601 897.26 1174.84 1358 964.22 1042.83 662 345.20 414.18 6463 4114.72 4292.42 5805 3936.39 5084.96 1058 4024.70 4747.83 1571 1063.72 1239.25 9639 2962.70 3390.29
  Henan         9720 2904.97 3843.18 2856 1532.87 2037.31 3978 740.07 973.81 442 304.33 431.94 191 85.86 102.57 230 128.15 159.57 4633 1176.87 1399.94 5087 1728.10 2443.24 323 1083.21 1363.68 676 358.64 492.55 8721 1463.12 1986.95
  Hubei         6197 2913.25 3239.51 2498 1757.87 2038.47 1456 383.29 415.05 432 487.80 540.15 166 285.18 258.08 226 130.63 124.29 2981 1139.79 1194.90 3216 1773.46 2044.61 307 1323.75 1549.18 565 456.87 478.72 5325 1132.63 1211.61
  Hunan         4961 1383.30 1811.22 2117 818.46 1135.60 1110 154.94 202.73 208 199.26 275.68 93 106.68 89.55 146 46.11 57.60 1992 460.53 633.45 2969 922.78 1177.77 234 695.03 936.79 377 147.71 176.37 4350 540.56 698.06
  Guangdong     20721 14566.00 14035.35 2793 3156.34 3236.65 3094 897.89 931.16 286 1348.18 1125.04 1478 3741.04 3020.20 7542 5316.74 5470.76 13087 7670.20 7165.90 7634 6895.80 6869.44 886 6380.74 5671.07 1457 1965.05 1863.63 18378 6220.21 6500.65
  Guangxi       3126 949.46 1059.23 1829 570.32 648.57 475 97.71 106.94 106 149.43 156.10 107 83.03 95.95 131 49.26 51.49 1402 375.28 412.82 1724 574.17 646.41 203 467.33 507.12 380 179.02 202.37 2543 303.11 349.74
  Hainan        589 187.43 219.50 372 125.98 144.02 23 3.98 4.73 30 42.07 40.04 37 18.47 23.83 57 13.82 16.70 325 123.48 132.10 264 63.95 87.41 35 84.66 87.87 94 48.45 62.54 460 54.32 69.09
  Chongqing     2054 1106.31 1072.83 726 649.50 654.61 270 46.21 46.29 134 233.89 193.66 84 114.16 104.53 67 72.99 75.34 962 503.38 434.42 1092 602.93 638.42 121 594.75 568.07 289 238.88 227.72 1644 272.69 277.05
  Sichuan       4572 2140.05 2304.51 1485 1194.45 1337.99 510 124.39 132.30 345 590.24 463.72 127 129.00 118.39 141 73.51 70.44 1900 973.77 920.44 2672 1166.29 1384.07 326 1152.52 1224.72 558 354.36 397.28 3688 633.17 682.50
  Guizhou       2054 591.02 696.63 1269 435.54 535.98 226 30.63 32.07 68 54.64 46.91 35 14.23 14.82 41 6.86 6.75 771 196.90 220.11 1283 394.12 476.52 99 277.09 349.00 113 63.24 66.78 1842 250.69 280.85
  Yunnan        2031 756.29 1157.40 1277 558.33 929.80 277 57.02 70.12 89 131.91 140.66 48 29.96 35.27 72 30.83 34.32 852 322.50 609.64 1179 433.80 547.76 137 419.96 707.43 383 162.25 207.75 1511 174.09 242.22
  Tibet         378 8.76 17.88 229 5.95 12.37 98 2.17 4.42 13 1.49 3.80 5 0.04 0.04 167 3.29 6.87 211 5.46 11.02 4 1.41 5.03 374 7.35 12.85
  Shaanxi       2440 1073.00 1338.20 1439 821.90 1038.37 394 67.68 73.54 135 164.74 239.37 67 78.74 86.20 63 54.45 54.53 1087 337.78 368.32 1353 735.22 969.88 192 600.02 778.40 236 137.99 168.84 2012 334.99 390.96
  Gansu         3153 611.65 951.21 748 408.23 710.94 1429 118.35 138.98 48 85.07 132.71 13 8.36 11.01 24 18.87 25.02 1346 124.65 152.42 1807 487.00 798.79 84 319.43 558.21 110 48.31 64.42 2959 243.91 328.57
  Qinghai       391 113.99 194.16 288 93.85 169.46 22 3.81 4.39 37 22.95 68.32 2 0.48 0.41 7 3.43 4.99 153 16.46 19.92 238 97.53 174.24 23 64.22 123.40 21 7.35 9.75 347 42.41 61.02
  Ningxia       410 180.22 268.84 203 112.28 192.74 41 6.20 7.77 20 25.74 54.37 15 15.75 15.05 9 1.96 4.31 139 36.43 44.71 271 143.79 224.13 34 98.01 145.82 78 42.80 54.02 298 39.41 69.01
  Xinjiang      1300 435.57 876.57 890 331.76 741.09 76 11.26 16.28 24 179.65 506.73 20 6.01 7.76 12 3.65 5.98 642 123.86 162.63 658 311.71 713.94 53 219.66 556.41 125 78.39 119.59 1122 137.52 200.57
a) All state-owned and non-state-owned industrial enterprises above designated size refer to all state-owned industrial enterprises and the non-state-
    owned industrial enterprises with an annual sales income of over 5 million yuan (The same as the following table).