13-1    Number of All State-owned and Non-state-owned above Designated Size
Industrial Enterprises and Their Gross Output Value
Item 2000 2001
Number of Gross Industrial Number of Gross Industrial
Enterprises  Output Value Enterprises  Output Value
(unit) (100 million yuan) (unit) (100 million yuan)
 National Total 162885 85673.66 171256 95448.98
 Grouped by Status of Registration
 Domestic Funded Enterprises 134440 62209.11 139833 68228.08
       State-owned Industry 42426 20156.29 34530 17229.19
       Collective-owned Industry 37841 11907.92 31018 10052.49
       Cooperative Enterprises 10852 2897.26 10864 2994.96
       Joint Ownership Enterprises 2510 900.55 2234 850.76
            State Joint Ownership Enterprises 419 230.33 384 260.78
            Collective Joint Ownership Enterprises 736 245.23 639 193.33
            Joint State-collective Ownership 954 293.91 829 291.33
       Limited Liability Corporations 13215 10926.38 18956 15535.43
             Sole State-funded Corporations 1226 4510.74 1372 5142.26
       Share Holding Enterprises 5086 10090.29 5692 12698.34
       Private Enterprises 22128 5220.36 36218 8760.89
       Other Enterprises 382 110.06 321 106.01
 Enterprises with Funds from Hong Kong, 16490 10574.30 18257 11847.18
       Macao and Taiwan
 Foreign Funded Enterprises 11955 12890.25 13166 15373.72
   State-owned and State-holding Enterprises 53489 40554.37 46767 42408.49
 Grouped by Light & Heavy Industry
 Light Industry 81902 34094.51 86705 37636.93
       Using Farm Produces as Raw Materials 53777 21069.85 56526 23604.58
       Using Non-Farm Produces as Raw Materials 28125 13024.66 30179 14032.35
 Heavy Industry 80983 51579.15 84551 57812.05
       Mining and Quarrying 6937 5398.75 6652 5338.69
       Raw Materials Industry 23724 20889.10 25108 23346.74
       Manufacturing Industry 50322 25291.30 52791 29126.63
 Grouped by Size of Enterprises
 Supers-scale Industrial Enterprises 336 14114.28 375 15471.89
 Large-scale #1 Industrial Enterprises 2308 13987.63 2594 16974.39
 Large-scale #2 Industrial Enterprises 5339 10201.30 5620 12369.71
 Medium-scale #1 Industrial Enterprises 4687 4791.84 5088 5675.49
 Medium-scale #2 Industrial Enterprises 9054 5897.97 9310 6866.92
 Small-scale  Industrial Enterprises 141161 36680.64 148269 38090.58
a) All state-owned and non-state-owned industrial enterprises above designated size refer to all state-owned industrial 
   enterprises and the non-state-owned industrial enterprises with an annual sales income of over 5 million yuan.
b) The gross industrial output value is calculated at current prices.