7-4    Petroleum Balance Sheet                              
          (10 000 tons)  
Item 1985 1990 1995 1999 2000  
  Total Energy Available for Consumption 9193.7 11435.0 16072.7 20964.4 22631.8      
      Output                               12489.5 13830.6 15005.0 16000.0 16300.0  
      Imports                              90.0 755.6 3673.2 6483.3 9748.5  
      Exports (-)                          3630.4 3110.4 2454.5 1643.5 2172.1  
      Stock Changes in the Year            244.6 -40.8 -151.0 124.6 -1244.6  
  Total Energy Consumption               9168.8 11485.6 16064.9 21072.9 22439.3  
      Consumption by Sector                                                  
             1.Farming,Forestry,Animal Husbandry,                                
                    Fishery and Water Conservancy     758.7 1033.6 1203.2 1422.1 1496.7  
             2.Industry                           6171.4 7321.6 9349.3 10852.8 11404.7  
             3.Construction                       292.2 327.3 242.8 323.0 344.3  
             4.Transport, Storage, Post and                                           
                    Telecommunication Services       1176.4 1683.2 2863.6 5004.3 5509.4  
             5.Wholesale and Retail Trade                                
                     and Catering Services    38.1 77.6 333.9 537.2 545.0  
             6.Others                             506.1 757.8 1390.3 1800.3 1882.7  
             7.Residential Consumption            225.9 284.5 682.0 1133.1 1256.5  
        Consumption by Usage                                                
           (I)Final Consumption               7063.3 9304.7 13676.3 18664.7 19893.5  
                    Industry                         4462.0 5180.4 7095.5 8596.4 9016.2  
          (II)Intermediate Consumption                                      
               (Consumed in Transformation)       1745.6 1630.4 2230.0 2222.2 2352.8  
                  Power Generation                 1425.5 1234.4 1358.5 1228.6 1178.2  
                  Heating                          285.6 356.3 399.9 394.6 427.0  
                  Gas Production                   34.5 39.7 51.6 32.5 25.9  
          (III) Losses in Petroleum Refining                   112.9 295.8 420.1 566.6 721.8  
          ()  Other  Losses 247.0 254.7 158.6 186.0 192.9  
  Balance                                24.9 -50.6 7.8 -108.5 192.5  
a)Data on output refer to the output of crude oil.    
b)Data on imports include the petroleum consumed by the Chinese airplanes and ships in refueling abroad. Data on exports   
   include the petroleum consumed by the foreign airplanes and ships in refueling in China.