5-26    Average Wage of Staff and Workers in Other Ownership Units by Sector          
Year   Farming, Mining and Manufacturing Production Construction Geological Transport, Wholesale Finance Real Social Health Education, Scientific Others
    Forestry, Quarrying and Supply of Prospecting Storage, and Retail and Estate Services Care, Culture and Research
Region Total Animal   Electricity and Water Post & Trade Insurance     Sports & Arts, Radio, and
    Husbandry   Gas and Conservancy Telecommu- & Catering       Social Film and Polytechnic
    and Fishery   Water   nication Services       Welfare Television Services
1985 1436 1519 1270 1328 1270 1000   2429 1955 2107 1904 3184 1728  
1990 2987 3778 2270 3055 3088 3571 5714 3667 3284 5565 2517 3463 5430 4022 3425  
1991 3468 3760 3855 3626 3333 4641 4615 5500 3585 6041 4923 4004 4817 4560 3906  
1992 3966 4069 3579 4154 4238 5061 5263 5955 4368 9761 5561 4545 5461 5107 5033  
1993 4966 3905 3423 4874 6309 4464 7441 6450 4975 6073 4940 5934 3665 5289 5645 4953
1994 6303 5394 4233 6096 8005 5766 4362 8713 6460 10400 9610 8013 7051 8360 7882 9691
1995 7463 6992 5174 7245 10746 6798 5408 10492 7190 12949 10746 9274 8668 8968 9678 10502
1996 8261 7389 5217 7945 12030 6937 6464 11931 7862 15818 11801 10820 11014 10172 13358 13508
1997 8789 7061 5385 8367 12127 7517 5770 13734 8051 17970 13249 11812 11863 10017 14370 16423
1998 8972 5685 6749 8556 12158 8983 6909 11858 8320 16255 13636 12027 15124 11687 14847 20393
1999 9829 6740 7651 9316 13856 9540 8439 14241 9001 18648 14693 12785 16618 12871 15671 20548
2000 10984 8519 9842 10192 15486 10391 13064 16173 10250 21538 15485 14544 17883 12027 20299 26677
2001 12140 8473 11246 11074 17256 11139 11892 18737 11584 25662 16621 16142 17045 15951 19506 28156
  Beijing        20594 10650 15563 18127 23843 15022 13742 27605 16775 52222 21858 25197 29903 19640 24413 44376
  Tianjin        14734 13501 13723 14006 18138 15587 47476 27466 14379 22291 15027 14531 5619 16552 18987 14703
  Hebei          8678 7279 15110 8048 17412 6021 4566 13755 5700 16758 8627 8017   8903 12478 12991
  Shanxi         8351 6061 8877 8527 9292 9547 8100 6310 5003 10705 7677 5130 5172 12997 7602 4356
  Inner Mongolia 7579 3388 9712 7372 18041 5991 7167 4978 4568 10969 6910 5487 6022 7820 7678 5634
  Liaoning       11258 10981 10444 10479 17650 9598 9778 16978 10065 19976 13224 12085 15726 19449 12682 23003
  Jilin          9935 5002 11335 10223 13966 7714 4641 13415 6399 12882 12134 11238 11216 11110 13715 18390
  Heilongjiang   12490 4905 16404 10940 17572 11306 9450 14517 12572 14985 9768 11051 11029 10005 8260 12497
  Shanghai       23277 9870 9893 22117 33324 18682 23439 33195 21552 39266 26188 17668 24734 22798 30791 36956
  Jiangsu        11790 8075 9203 11123 22117 11239 11868 16137 11977 25825 15043 14337 16775 15118 16847 22617
  Zhejiang       13508 11831 12165 12174 28346 13081 17970 19932 13676 27162 16880 13489 15951 17393 17606 15230
  Anhui          8125 6758 9656 8196 10304 6532 5667 7321 5161 10287 7620 8093 9670 13720 11575 6081
  Fujian         11028 7280 10037 10335 17757 12135 11447 25474 12215 24041 14304 11425 31589 13998 25771 20335
  Jiangxi        8349 4838 8239 8100 11607 7957 5056 8506 9239 13280 8288 9159 3000 6908 16341 5154
  Shandong       8732 7381 10949 8178 16741 9839 9925 15203 8018 16506 12790 10805 18500 14257 12316 16114
  Henan          7889 5812 10145 7230 12732 6179 4986 8612 5646 14750 8781 8194 6307 11050 11785 6740
  Hubei          8035 5074 6499 7233 13791 8736 5591 8818 7970 16227 14586 9804 10187 7366 17037 5318
  Hunan          9380 6610 8964 8778 16878 8134 11231 11112 9560 17084 8799 9127 9213 10656 18246 11923
  Guangdong      16392 14923 12943 14613 25703 16269 11825 27433 16856 36338 22818 19775 16833 21448 30883 24334
  Guangxi        10156 3439 7049 10157 15948 9526 8640 16363 7857 12546 9226 9103 9607 8012 8739 14558
  Hainan         11091 8369 9240 9393 17253 6792   18289 9622 20441 12126 8904 8500 11660 11015 19616
  Chongqing      9503 14657 7892 9403 11679 9145 7582 7956 7502 20403 10759 9608 20730 10093 9905 15922
  Sichuan        8650 6929 6612 8915 9794 7054 7000 9994 7089 22072 9682 9026 10349 12702 10559 8914
  Guizhou        8831 6152 8084 8660 13760 9610 9000 12295 7612 15028 8284 11029 8511 8940 8855 17968
  Yunnan         10407 6612 8849 10282 14274 10011 16077 11715 9113 12718 11006 9868 9226 15565 15139 19592
  Tibet          13125 7864 7821 9966 9360 15542   15730 9750 22884   16517       25727
  Shaanxi        9625 6023 10844 9541 12304 7033   8062 7489 20359 10919 9820 7854 18174 14420 10787
  Gansu          9041   16627 8928 13320 6998   5665 6457 11558 8247 9248     15550 9168
  Qinghai        8841 18188 12246 9220 7983 9907   9899 6923 5344 7858 9584 7018   16262 4695
  Ningxia        8464   7987 8319 14071 8774   11091 6541 16615 9090 7924   6212 10347  
  Xinjiang       11594 7706 15807 10538 15753 10143 23970 10945 11431 17489 10666 9221 12043 12917 8328 9905